In March 1896, heroic Ethiopian patriots showcased a military prowess that amazed the whole world. They permanently repulsed an European colonizing Army for the first time in blacks’ history. In so doing, in an age of relentless European expansion in Africa, Ethiopia has successfully defended its independence and sovereignty. Ethiopia became a fortress society and a becone light.
This unprecedented unfolding was taken as an ice-breaker for other African countries and none-white people fighting to liberate themselves from colonialism and claim their freedom.
Accordingly, as usual, all Ethiopians will warmly celebrate the 124th commemoration of Adwa victory. Lots of Africans and black people will also remember the day as their freedom day.
Though the event is colorfully marked every year here in Ethiopia alone, it is a bright spot to all black freedom fighters.
The Ethiopian Herald had a stay with scholars to ask why the day that marks Adwa victory is not equally commemorated by Africans as well as other world blacks.
Professor Tesema Taa from AAU History Department said that it is all blacks’ day but scholars and government bodies, for far too long and till to date, have not played due role to let Adwa get its place in Africa and all over the world.
Had they played roles to create ownership perception among OAU and AU people, it would have got a better acceptance. And now there is a need to work on the issue before it becomes too late, he stressed.
Associate Professor Abebe Assefa from School of Social Work AAU said that most blacks as well as white scholars agree that Adwa would mark blacks’ victory worldwide and as such it must be celebrated by all blacks but not only by Ethiopians. Not only espousing that, we Ethiopians are also accepting it. But still we are not working to our best to render the holiday a common heritage of fellow blacks.
Adwa’s victory is a root cause for other blacks’ movements for their respective countries freedom. The victory rippled a spirit that it is possible to win colonialism and have self-determination. It is Africans’ pride day but it is not promoted enough and we cannot celebrate it enough with other brothers, he added.
As to him, recently, towards accentuating and foregrounding the event a walk campaign to Adwa by youths is started. This could be taken as a good beginning. Other movements are underway by the government.
We can transfer this heritage to the next generation in a better fashion. Not only seeing to its inscription in UNESCO, we can prevail on pertinent bodies to wield influence on them in a bid Adwa turns all blacks’ freedom day in AU. This way it could be marked by all Africans. We Ethiopians need to do our homework to share Adwa with our fellow brothers.
Girimay Halefom from Heritage Management and Social Anthropology Department of Axum University said that “First we Ethiopians should nationally giveemphasis to Adwa’s victory.”
There are pan Africanists black intellectuals that celebrate the day taking into account not only black Africans. For all world blacks, it is a freedom day but we are not playing a leading role to make Adwa more colorful. First, we need to give a higher honor for it equally, he noted.
Girmay added, our forefathers from the four directions of the country, making a confluence, flocked to Adwa without ethnic, religious and gender discrimination to defend their country as to Emperor Minelik II command. So, the victory of Adwa is a unifying factor and we need understand its political impact to protect country’s sovereignty.
Then we have to convert it to economic perspective and need to create tangible touristic spots to make the rest of the world understand it. Then, Africans and all blacks could feel more belongingness.
The Ethiopian Herald March 1/2020