Ministry appreciates Abba Gadaas’ role in brokering peace

ADDIS ABABA- The recent successful Abba Gadaas’ efforts of making peace between the government and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) have showcased the untouched potentials of the nation’s indigenous dispute resolution and conflict management, Ministry of Peace said.

The Ministry Public Relations Director Zerihun Zewdu told The Ethiopian Herald that: “Giving top priority to homegrown dispute settlement, our Ministry is working on ensuring sustainable peace.

That is why we are in keep touch with Religious Fathers, Elders, Abba Gadaas and other social and cultural institutions in a view with making use effectively our social capital in problem-solving.” As to him , until recent time, such institutions were made to lack their independence and rationality due to the wrong political thinking .

Every social establishments used to take side of government blindly, he said adding: “From now onwards, we are working to keep their independence and freedom from any political manipulation.”

Moreover, Zerihun stressed that: “Our indigenous social institutions such as Inter -religious council, Abba Gadaas and Elders have a potential to resolve complicated conflicts that happen between individuals to the level of national ones.”

According to him,, the Abba Gadaas’ mediation effort hat has brought an end the disagreement between OLF and the government and it could be taken as the showcase of this fact. Zerihun cited that Ministry of peace is the newly established Minister Office that has also a mission to use indigenous knowledge and social values in its entire works.

The Ethiopian Herald January 29 /2019


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