Ethiopia, Eritrea to forge stronger people to people ties

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia is desirous of strengthening the diplomatic and economic relations with Eritrea through peopleto-people ties in the view to transforming the normalization process into solid base, Ethiopia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Eritrea, Redwan Hussein said.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Ambassador Redwan noted that capitalizing on the people’s similar ethnic, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, both countries are now focusing on strengthening people-to-people ties than ever before. Noting Ethiopia shares borders and communities with Eritrea, Redwan said that the two countries also share similar opportunities and challenges in the Horn of Africa.

“What happens in Ethiopia could affect Eritrea and vice versa and if the two countries put the relations in strong people-to- people base, the diplomatic and economic ties would also thrive.” The ambassador said that sport events, exchange of cultural troupe and religious leaders visit are also part of the program to enhance the normalization.

Both Ethiopian and Eritrean cultural troupes would travel to the respective countries having the mission in consolidating peopleto-people relationship. The troupes would stage various performances and cultural exhibitions in different parts of the two countries that promoted the ongoing progress in the respective nations, Redwan added. Regarding the use of Eritrean ports, Redwan indicated that various agreements and laws that would ensure the speedy exchange of goods are in the pipe line.

The agreements are designed in such as to ensure the mutual benefit of people of the two countries and solidify the rapprochement. Consensuses was reached to ensure Ethiopia’s seamless use of Eritrean ports, Redwan says, adding that the detail would be prevailed after the agreements signed by leaders of the two countries According to the ambassador, both Ethiopia and Eritrea have done massive renovation of border posts and roads that link Ethiopia with Eritrean ports.

The two countries are executing their share for a speedy utilization of Massawa Port and activities are also underway to recommence service in Assab Port. Redwan further stated that Ethiopia’s Embassy in Asmara is partnering with relevant government organs to replicate the exemplary partnership the two countries enjoyed during the pre2000 period.

The embassy also facilitates conditions to Ethiopian whom properties were confiscated to get support from the Eritrean government. The embassy would engage in promoting Ethiopia’s trade and investment opportunities to Eritrean business people and briefing Eritrean business climate for Ethiopian stakeholders. Facilitating conditions to the two countries business people to form joint ventures would also be one of the priorities of the embassy.

Redwan stated that the EthioEritrea normalization heralds new era of cooperation in the Horn of Africa and the two countries have done exemplary task to solve the two-decade standoff without the third party involvement. Solving problems by their own also help Ethiopia and Eritrea jointly work to enhance relations with different countries. After solving the problem with Eritrea, Ethiopia has played a constructive role in backing the latter’s efforts to improve relations with Djibouti, Somalia and Sudan.

Ethio-Eritrea normalization also encourages south Sudanese warring factions to sign the peace treaty and bring in the five-year war and instability to an end. The rapprochement is also a greater lesson for countries in a conflict situation to solve the standoff amicability, he noted.

The Ethiopian Herald January 29 /2019


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