Emulating forefathers’ footfall of oneness

(Throwing in one’s share in forestalling instability)

Irrespective of sex, religion, ethnicity or other divisive lines, youths of Addis Ababa have been playing a major role in resorting and guarding peace in every part of the city in close collaboration with a range of bodies.

They have been standing by the side of the government targeting at forming a unified country, which strongly believes in synchronization, nationalism and forestalling instability apart from ensuring democracy and justice and throwing cold water on sentiments of parochialism, chauvinism and destruction.

Though some displeased segment of the society make a frantic bid to derail the ongoing reform by fueling unrest in some parts of the country and backing the government into corner, the reform is surging forward. Those, who run out of charm as a consequence of their improprieties, have been watering unlawfulness to take root in the country.

Regarding the why and how of the fire extinguishing effort The Ethiopian Herald had a short stay with a variety of people. According to Inspector Masresha, observably the displeased have baits in their backpacks. Cognizant of this the youth has been working in unison with a wide spectrum of bodies targeting at keeping the city’s peace as the light of one’s eye. They have been forestalling instability in support of the ongoing reform surfacing across the city.

Appreciative of the value of peace, youngsters, in close collaboration with pertinent bodies,work towards the furtherance of tranquility all over the country. He added: “To the surprise of everyone, at some stage in the celebration of Epiphany, the youth had been carrying out incredible Tasks. For instance in the Just ended week in a show of fraternity, youngsters.

from the Muslim community had cleaned every corner of Jan Meda, where the pool that symbolizes River Jordon is found. This, in black and white, signals great importance youngsters have attached to peace, oneness, love, unity,considerateness and what not. They are emulating the footfalls of forefathers.” As to him, currently, circumventing pitfalls dug by the heinous, the people of Ethiopia are showing milk and water chemistry.

The government is intending toachieve the desired goal of creating a stronger Ethiopia by teaching students about the significance of unity and peace from elementary level up to higher learning institutions. “On the eve of Epiphany, youngsters have been working in collaboration with the laity to ensure order of their own initiation.

They were working in close collaboration with police officers and other pertinent bodies. What is more, the government is carrying out its duties and responsibilities over and over again. If things keep going this way, the country can harvest the fruit of success in a little while,” he wrapped up.

Tamirat Sisay, a volunteer in community policing said, “Considering the arduous track Ethiopians had passed though for close to three decades, nobody had expected Ethiopia would be in good hands.We are breathing in and out the oxygen of freedom at this point in time.

The unpleased have been hallucinating about hijacking the peace, democracy and human right laden vehicle of change.” He continued: “At this point in time, youngsters have been playing a major role in resorting peace in the lengthand-breadth of Addis Ababa putting into effect a range of activities.

They have been working hand in glove with the concerned bodies. Our efforts are coming to fruition. We have been harvesting the fruit of success in this regard. Hence, we are enjoying peace and tranquility despite some setbacks in some parts of the country. The youth has been giving their all time and again.

Herald January 27/2019


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