Hurdles in rooting out seeds of discord sown over 2 decades

Over the past twenty seven years, the unreformed government of Ethiopia had sown the seed of hatred amongst the different Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia for the sake of staying on power and lining up its pockets.

Thus, achieving unity in diversity was turning out to be an uphill battle, The Ethiopian Herald learnt. Relating to the matter, Deacon Mekuria Gudisa said, “There is no gainsaying the fact that Ethiopia celebrates a wide spectrum of religious holidays in the length and breadth of the country.

Religious fathers of a range of religions teach the laity the dos and don’ts of various doctrines of the Holy Bible and Holy Quran and shower them with pieces of advices to be on the right track. They tell them to distance themselves from bad deeds. Hence, congregators should work hand-in-glove with pertinent bodies to restore peace across the country and take Ethiopia to the helm of success. Furthermore, all and sundry should stick to the Ten Commandments. ”

He stressed that as Ethiopia is a country where different religions, clans, ethnicities, among others, live under its umbrella, the general public should be able to lead their lives with tolerance, love, unity, respect, just to mention a few. In the past, the unreformed government was in the habit of designing a range of factors which made Ethiopians to focus on clans, boarders, regions, and other divisive activities.

In the eyes of God, every man is equal and respectful. But in the eyes of the unreformed, human beings that hail from other ethnic group do not have value. ” He further stressed that the displeased have been making an effort to pour cold water on the ongoing reform taking place in every nook and cranny of the country.

They, day in and day out, endeavor to add insult to injury. They as well leave no stone unturned to stoke unrest all over the country. By the same token, they had been violating human rights over and over again. Therefore, Ethiopians should show them a dead face and focus on smoothening the progress of the reform afoot in the country by the reformist Dr. Abiy Ahmed. Dr. Constantinos Berhe for his part said, “The unreformed ones are working to derail the effort of the government.

They are in the habit of attaching significance to their party members and assigning them in different government position of the country. At this point in time, the general public should stand by the side of the government in a bid the country could achieve the intended target with no trouble.

Herald January 27/2019


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