Basking under global spotlight not low-hanging fruit

This week the Ethiopian premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed had successfully partaken in the World Economic Forum (WEF) which was held in Switzerland, Davos with a view to highlighting the ongoing reform thriving in the length and breadth of the country since he came to power. He had touched upon salient issues revolving around the nuts and bolts of Ethiopia winning the hearts and minds of participants in the blink of an eye.

After the Ethiopian premier took the reign of power, he has been making astounding reforms in every sector of the administrative machinery and unchaining Ethiopians from the yoke of oppression. He has been ensuring justice and democracy nationwide turning a deaf ear to narrow-minded attitudes. Thus the premier’s fame has spread far and wide shortly. Pertaining to the aforementioned issues, The Ethiopian Herald has approached experts. According to Economist Tekelebrihan getting a chance to partake in Davos is not a low-hanging fruit.

I would say, our Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed stood the chance to partake in Davos considering his successful socioeconomic and political reforms, which made the Premier the talk of the world in a little while. What many leaders failed to do for decades he did with finger counted months. While many leaders swam against the popular tide he managed to ride aligning himself with the tide. Speaking at the World Economic Forum was a big honor and opportunity for the Premier and the country he represents.

He continued: “While taking part in the World Economic Forum, the premier mayst and a chance for debt cancelation, additional soft loan, budget support, foreign direct investment, remittance flow, military assistance, development aid, among others. These in turn could afford the country a leverage tohit set targets almost immediately.” Addressing audiences at Davos World Economic Forum the premier said, “Ethiopia today is among the fastest growing economies in the world consistently averaging economic growth of over nine percent. Poverty has been halved and education enrollment has markedly increased.

The significant investment in infrastructure is contributing to the rapid growth .It is attracting foreign direct investment, making Ethiopia one of the leading FDI destinations in Africa. Relating about the philosophy of synergy or accretion (Medemer), the premier said, “Our reform is deeply rooted in Medemer. It is a historic reform to organize change and build on the gains of the past, while reminding us our rich heritages. It also reflects on modern realities strengthening the synergy in politics, economics, technology and society. Ethiopia is indeed undergoing a period of political and economic renaissance.

The Medemer reform is a people –centered one and has three interdependent pillars. The first pillar is the vibrant democracy. The second one is economic vitality, while the third regional integration in openness to the world. The resident of Addis Ababa Mesert Tefera, lawyer by profession, regarding Medemer (synergy) said, “The philosophy of Medemer has rescued the country from getting into uncharted waters. Our Premier has come with a panacea—Accretion— which takes the country to the helm of success almost immediately. He has really made an amazing transformation in few months. Ethiopia is now in good hands.

Though unrest crops up in some parts of the country by unreformed segments of the society, the bottlenecks are being arrested. As to her, the violations of human and democratic rights in Ethiopia are currently no more thanks to the Premier, who came to the global limelight and votaries of peace, democracy and development.

In today’s Ethiopia there is no harboring fear while expressing one’s view. Journalists do not throng prison cells.If things go in the new pace, in the not distant future Ethiopia will reclaim its ancient glory. She added: “If Dr. Abiy and his teams had not come to power, Ethiopia would have ended up a failed state. Without exaggeration, he would do a lot of miracles to Ethiopia. He is striving to change things making nationwide reforms in the country and thus his effort is fructifying.

I really grew to be very happy when he addressed participants at Davos in the World Economic Forum.I could not believe my eyes. Conversant and graceful, he had captured the undivided attention of participants within the shortest time possible. ” The premier also said, “To reform and reinforce our upward trajectory and achieve even more rapid and sustainable growth, Ethiopia has embarked on a comprehensive reform process since last April which cut across politics, economics and society. We aim to establish the virtual cycle between these elements and amongst our partners to enable us to meet our challenges in a mutually profitable manner. ”

According to the Office of the Prime Minster, Ethiopian Premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed had held talks with Professor Klaus Schwab, originator as well as Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum and tossed ideas around the significance of a joint approach on business, government and the private sector, civil societies and what not with the purpose of dealing with main global tackles.

What is more, the premier as well had met with interim government of the World Bank Kristalina Georgieva. By the same token, the Ethiopians premier had held talks with George Soros, Head of the Open Society Foundations and discussed on issues revolving around regulatory reforms, electoral integrity, challenges of democratization, access to justice, economic inclusion and other related aspects.

Herald January 27/2019


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