LTE: Fast, reliable Internet service

Ethio telecom has launched a fast and reliable internet service with the help of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Advanced. LTE Advanced is an enhanced version of the conventional LTE connectivity with major improvements.

Firehiwot Tamru, CEO of Ethio telecom, stressed the role of internet in the modern market. It has become the center of economic activity. After understanding this fact, Ethio telecom has put maximum effort to improve the technology. It has launched LTE advanced mobile internet service as of 3 February 2020. The company also has expanded the existing limited 4G LTE network coverage throughout Addis Ababa.

Firehiwot mentioned that LTE advanced mobile internet service is available in areas around Bole Airport, Bole Friendship, Bole Medhanialem, Bole Atlas, Meskel Square, Stadium, Ethio Telecom Headquarters, Kazanchis, 4 Kilo, 6 Kilo, Lideta, African Union, and Old Airport. The areas are chosen based on the previous high level of internet consumption trend the Telecom has observed.

The advanced service is one of the latest mobile technologies providing speedy, reliable, for downloading, live streaming, high definition multimedia, 3D gaming and video conferencing. The technology provides secured Virtual Private Network (VPN) for corporate customers mainly as a backup for fixed broadband, as to her.

The project, run by Huawei Company, was undertaken with a total cost of 173 million Birr. The expense of the project was covered by Ethio telecom in cash. The company is working to satisfy the demand of its customers, said Firehiwot.

Researches indicate increase of about 67 percent productivity in health institutions with the technology. Thus, LTE Advanced has huge significance in the improvement of the service sector. The technology also helps boost the industries, she explained.

The internet works on compatible mobile device and GSM card. Thus, both devices are available to the customers at Telecom branches in Addis Ababa with reasonable price, learnt from the conference.

Ethio Telecom International Gateway connects countries through electronic device. It interconnects and roams data Ethiopia with countries such as Sudan, Djibouti, and Kenya. The Telecom is in a good stand when compared to neighboring countries.

 The Ethiopian Herald February 8/2020


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