Whence comes the threat to Peace in Africa

Africa, a region that was code named by the European colonizers as a Dark Continent is no longer dark. Over the last several decades, continental peace has always been threatened by numerous interlocking variables that included ethnic conflicts, border conflicts, conflict induced migration and refugee influx, drought and food crisis, lack of good governance and economic equity among others.

It stands to reason therefore that the 33rd AU Assembly of Heads of States and Governments chose to the theme ‘Silencing the Guns and owning the Future’ for its upcoming meeting, Before suggesting possible solutions for the current challenge for peace in Africa, I thought it would be appropriate to probe into the major causes of the absence of peace in the continent.

The reasons for the challenges of peace in Africa may be viewed from three perspectives. To begin with lack of good governance and socio-economic equity, nominal political commitment for conflict resolution and peace on the part of the leadership, ethnic strife and conflicts over scares resources comprise some of the super structural challenges.

The other aspect could be considered from hurdles from Africa’s peripheral economic bases that is complicated due to lack of diversity, illicit trade in the form of contraband, firearms trafficking, lower prices for agricultural products in the world market which trickles down to higher debts and lack of foreign currencies payable for debt and debt servicing. An arm trafficking has resulted in mushrooming of gun tottering armed groups who wish to dictate their desires on legitimate governments.

Another round of vicious circle among the major causes of peace in Africa is interrelated with the adverse effects of climate change and the resultant displacement which further exacerbate the already bleak picture in the disruption of the African socio-cultural fabric. Climate change is providing a favorable condition for the spread of locust in Eastern Africa triggering an alarming level of food insecurity in the sub-region.

Extreme poverty among millions of Africans is a real potential for insecurity in the continent as one cannot assume that millions would remain in peace while they languish under abject poverty.

The above conditions have created a favorable breeding ground for global and regional terrorist organizations that have proliferated in West Africa, the Greater Horn, the Maghreb in North Africa and the South. Terrorist organizations are resurging in Africa by using crisis spots in countries like Mauritania, Niger Libya and earlier in parts of Morocco and Algeria.

The civil war in Libya has already attracted foreign forces adding more fuel to the crises while the crises in South Sudan in apparently creeping towards a solution while the influx of refugees to the neighboring countries has continued unabated. In Nigeria Boko Haram is almost becoming a permanent threat for peace in Western Africa.

I have personally observed that the year 2019 was a year in which multiple sets of conflicts have challenged the activities of the AU and have complicated the normal daily life of millions of Africans across the continent.

The upcoming AU Assembly will hopefully come up with some important resolutions regarding the promotion of peace in Africa but unless each nation contributes its part in ascertaining peace in their respective territories, it would be difficult to assume that single handed efforts by AU could bring a lasting peace to the continent.

Here, it is possible to suggest some solutions to the stalemate but it is still unrealistic to think of a single track solution for peace in Africa but there are a cocktail of solutions, together they can bring a measurable peace in the continent.

Apart from bringing about regional economic dividend, formation of a continental free trade area in Africa and the corresponding infrastructural networks in energy and transport can help foster people to people relations among the African; thereby helping to promote peace through cross cultural interaction.

Peace in Africa needs to be linked with the promotion of democracy and good governance in each country combined with pro-poor socio-economic and political polices that are to be implemented at the grass-root level in each country.

Security cooperation among African countries and their commitment to solve African conflicts by Africans themselves is another guarantee and a viable option for continental peace.

Again, I stress on the need for an unswerving political commitment on the part of the African leadership in implementing planned projects that could promote continental peace.

“Silencing the Guns” is not an easy task as long as African countries commit a huge amount of hard-earned foreign exchange to the stockpiling of arms beyond their need for self-defense. Guns may not be silenced as long as contraband in arms by pirates and illegal arms traffickers are not prevented from freely flooding to Africa with their killer arsenals.

 The Ethiopian Herald Friday 7 February 2020


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