Foreign Policy magazine crowns Dr. Abiy as global thinker of 2019

Foreign Policy, a magazine known for global politics, economics, and ideas nominated yesterday Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed (PhD) as one of 2019 Foreign Policy Global Thinkers.

“As Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed has already made history by forging peace with neighboring Eritrea. Now, he’s trying to heal his country’s own internal divisions. He is one of our 2019 Foreign Policy Global Thinkers,” said the magazine in its yesterday edition. They are the thinkers and doers of the last 12 months, shaping our world—for better or for worse—as we know it.

“In less than a year in office, Abiy Ahmed has already made history in Ethiopia by forging peace with its neighbor Eritrea. The move reunited families and reopened long-dormant trade networks. Now Abiy is focused on healing Ethiopia’s own divisions, and his status as the country’s first leader from the restive Oromia region has given many of his constituents hope that he’ll succeed,” the magazine added in its 10th annual special edition of Global Thinkers.

A decade ago, in launching the annual special edition of Global Thinkers series, the magazine wrote: “In a year of worldwide economic crisis and dangerous wars, of radical innovation and newfound realpolitik, street revolution and blunt rhetoric, we could think of no better way to make sense of it than through the big ideas of those who shape our understanding of the world.”

Herald January 26/2019


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