Authority seizes illegal medicines

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority (EFMHACA) intercepted different illegal medicines at Bole International Airport checkpoint, disclosed the Authority in a press release sent to The Ethiopian Herald.. As the authority reported that the medicines are VIMAX, Minoxidil and Cystone – mainly used for impulsive sex; growing hair and cancer medications.

These medicines are unregistered and their quality, safety and efficacy wereunverified. The medicinesentered the countryvia Bole International Airport in with unsecured transportation and storing. The medicines are carried by illegal agents and online trading systems and these medicines jeopardize the health of the peoplebecause their quality and security are examined.

“VIMAX and Cystoneare used for impulsive sex and Minoxidilis used for hypertension (blood pressure). They were enteringto the country without checking their safety, quality and without meeting the legal requirements”, the Authority. The authority explained that any unverified medicines creates health problem and harms the people.

In addition to this, it has negative impacts on legal traders and it decreases the income the country earns from thistransaction. The authority called upon the people to avoid using illegally imported medicines. As the survey on the market indicated that these medicines are moved from one place to another by the support of illegal agents and online trading system.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 25/2019


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