Experts welcome plan to link Addis, Massawa via railway

ADDIS ABABA–Experts welcome Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s recent announcement of planned Addis Ababa-Massawa railway project which Italy agreed to finance its feasibility study.

The 736 kilometers (457 miles)’s project announcement came during Abiy’s meeting with his Italian counterpart Guiseppe Conte in Italy where the two leaders addressed a joint press conference. Though it requires detailed and comprehensive study, the plan to build Massawa -Addis Ababa railway network is very right and wise decision.

The planned project would have economic dividend not only just for Ethiopia and Eritrea but also the entire East African region, says Eng. Mogess Aregay, a Chief Officer Engineering Services Department at the Ethiopian Railway Corporation. The route, which the project would connect, carries huge economic potential being strategic corridor. And the railway project would serve to boost investment and the overall economy.

“Railway investment should not be seen from financial gains perspective but also for its contribution to stimulate the entire economy.” The economic advantage is high though railway project appears to be capital and technological intensive. The project would also connect major towns of the country and help ship freight along the way. The project would connect the strategic port of Massawa and Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa.

Railway project has long term economic gain with low operation cost, high speed and reliable transportation services. In this regard, the planned project would have huge economic contribution speeding up regional economic integration and infrastructural development says, Wendyaferaw Mulugeta , an associate professor of economics .

“It also helps further strengthen people to people relation within the two countries and beyond. Such plans also aligns with AU’s aspiration to integrate the continent. The countries should further work and more consultation is needed to realize the plan,”.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 25/2019


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