Deploying horse show for tourism attraction

On the occasion of Timket Festival, the Administration of North Shoa Zone in collaboration with Sallale University had hosted a horse galloping contest. The contest was made in two groups. On the occasion, individual and group competitions were held among the contestants. Different horse shows were also made by the contestants.

Endashaw Birhanu, North Shewa Zonal Administration, told The Ethiopian Herald that horse is inseparable from the life Sallale community. It one of the most valued treasures among the Sallale community. Sallale Oromo are famous for their horse species. Their horses are renowned for their special talent and strength during war, galloping and other horse shows.

Endashaw said the administration works to develop the demonstration into a grand show that could attract tourists in the next celebrations. The celebration will be held every first Sunday of the month of December. The occasion is meant urn the horse potential in area into tourist attraction by working with other zones in the state.

He mentioned that horse has been the most important tool for war. Strong horses of Sallale played an important role in the fight against enemy. The horses are as courageous as the soldiers. They played a significant role at the Battle of Adwa in the fight against invasion of Italy.

Almaz Mekobi, Culture and Tourism Bureau Head of North Shewa, stressed that the bureau will be looking for stakeholders that are interested in working with the Bureau in advancing the tourism activities in the region. It works to establish market link with the stakeholders, as to her.

Almaz said this celebration is just the beginning of the event. It is an introduction. However, the occasion certainly will attract the professionals and investors in the tourism sector. We are planning ahead to advance the celebration by accompanying it with different games such as Qillee (a game played with stick during Christmas) and other domestic plays.

Genanaw Gofe(Ph.D), President of Sallale University, on his part, said the occasion is meant to exploit the horse potential in the area beyond transportation. Horses can be used for various purposes beyond transportation. The area has horse potential. Yeshimebet Bogale(Ph.D), Public Relations Director at Sallale University, forwarded that the university is working to introduce new projects that could promote the culture of the Sallale community. It is planning to conduct extensive study on the horses of the area. It also works on the way of to preserve the peculiar horse species, she explained.

Batiru Ashetu, a contestant from Adare Gordoma Woreda, indicated that horses mean a lot him. He refused to sell his horse though he was given a good price. “I adore my horse. I take care of it by feeding well and bathing regularly. I use it only for special occasions such as Irreechaa, Timket, and other cultural and religious holidays”, said Batiru.

The Ethiopian Herald January 25/2020


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