IPs create over 45,000 jobs

. Workers turnover on the rise

ADDIS ABABA- The Industrial Parks (IPs) Development Corporation said that the industrial parks in different parts of the country are generating 11 million USD in hard currency each month and have created over 45 thousand jobs in the past six months.

During its six months performance report to parliament yesterday, the Corporation announced that within a short span of time, Ethiopia has managed to build 11 public IPs and set to up the number to 30 by the end of GTP-II in 2020. Up till now, six IPs have gone operational.

The report also indicated that seven privately owned industrial parks went operational or are under construction. Meanwhile, the workers turnover in IPs is high due to inflation and lack of sufficient remuneration.

Industrial Parks Development Corporation General Manager Lelise said that current energy supply, workers turnover, lack adequate logistics, and hard currency are challenging the production of firms in the IPs. According to Lelise, respective government institutions should give due attention to solve the aforementioned problems. The Corporation is jointly working with higher education institutions to train manpower to provide productive labor to the growing demand, she said.

The fairness of the construction of industrial parks is centered to investor’s demand. Currently, a number of shades are being installed in the industrial parks based on the investment demand and profitability, she noted. Federal Auditor General Gemechu stated that the Corporation should follow up the success of the government’s main target in IPs which is boosting the manufacturing of export-oriented products and generating foreign currency.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 24/2019




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