Hotels rating promotes international competitiveness: Ministry

ADDIS ABABA – The Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that the ratings of new hotels, which would be operational in the near future, add impetus to the country so as to render international competitive touristic services. In 2015, the rating was given by foreign professionals.

However, currently local professionals are expected to undertake the activity, State Minister Buzena Alkedir underscored.

The rating will initiate hotels to offer more competitive service, she added. Applying the standards of world touristic service rendering institutions and expecting the expectation of tourists is said fundamental to compete in the tourism sector. Public and International Relations Director Gezahagn Abate said that currently there are more than 300 star rated hotels in the country

As to him, conducting successful and timely hotel rating will encourage hoteliers for competitive and quality service. Accordingly, 51 new hotels that will commence services in the coming weeks will be given the rating. The hotels will be rated upon the World Tourism Organization standards.

Herald January 23/2019


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