Over 13 million people to participate in natural resource conservation

ADDIS ABABA – The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) announced that more than 13 million people are taking part in natural resource conservation and environmental protection campaign which is commenced throughout the country.

Public and International Relations Director at the Ministry Alemayehu Brehanu told Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that in this Ethiopian dry season, massive natural resource conservation activities will be conducted, assisted by 300,000 trained farmers.

The farmers have been trained in scientific natural resource conservation mechanisms, he added. As to him, a total of 13.6 million people, including agricultural experts will take part and scientific natural resource conservation tools will also be applied so as to bring about sustainable outcomes from the conservation activities. He said that alongside to natural resource conservation, drainage development activity will be held in line with guiding natural conservation principles.

“The main objective of the natural resource and environmental conservation is to realize food self sufficiency through boosting production and productivity at a household and national level.” He said the country is internationally known and accredited for undertaking successful and whole participatory environmental protection, adding that, the youths are playing an indispensable role in this regard.

Herald January 23/2019


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