ADDIS ABABA – Leaders of the Oromo people (Abbaa Gedas) called on politicians to draw big lesson from Gadaa system to undertake peaceful election.
Ethiopia plans to host election this budget year in spite of some politician’s claims conducting the election might induce damaging conflict on the country. Elders also called on the political society to stress on peace and restrain from conflict inducing factors.
Approached by The Ethiopian Herald Abbaa Gadaa Ali Mohammad said that politicians ought to take lesson from the Gadaa system that acknowledged by UNESCO for its democratic system of governance including peaceful power transition via fair election.
Election in Gadaa system is peaceful and fair far from any kind of conflict and mistrust, Abbaa Gadaa Ali noted.
The system has been implementing among the oromo people for years through undertaking rational election each eight years to nominate energetic and democrat ruler that govern the people based on its norms, he stated.
He called on the politicians to transfer power peacefully in the coming national election. “We need both the winner and looser parties to accept the result whatever it is.”
As to him, winner party ought to rule the nation to democracy and positively respond to the public complaints in various sectors.
Looser parties need to understand that they will play significant role foraccepting the result of the election in supporting the ruling party believing that they would achieve better result in another elections, he said
Abbaa Gadaa Gobena Olareso for his part noted that undertaking free and fair national election is a significant mechanism to bring about democracy.
He noted that political leaders should transfer power peacefully and looser parties also need to accept the result of the election for the sake of the people.
On the other hand, winner party or parties should work together to take the country to economic progress and democracy, he urged.
As to him, all political parties that contest in the election have to merge to become strong and make solid competition.
He believed that the merger is significant to save finance and energy and bring integrated effort for common goal.
In this regard, the politicians can learn a lot from Gadaa system about love, reconciliation and democracy in power transition to achieve the public needs, he underlined.
As to him, all Ethiopians have responsibility of pacifying their nation through actively engaging in peaceful discussions in presenting and finding solutions for public complaints.
“We have to work day and night to build a democratic and economically strong nation and rule the region to similar achievements.”
International organizations working on analyzing and reporting the global security affairs have been warning that the next national election might lead the nation to crisis, it was learnt.
The Ethiopian herald January 14/2012