Resently , I visited the St. George studio of Etsubdink Leggese , which is found in Addis Ababa , around Debre Selam Kechene Medhane Alem church,Wagshum village. Her studio is full of books and paintings.One is sure to encounter pots of paints and pots of brushes scattered in the studio. Etsubdink is a female traditional church painter. As to her, she is the only tradational female painter in the county.
She prepars parchments from different skins and slashes. She cuts the parchments, measures the design and then paints pictures accordingly using water colours and other materials.

Her subjects of
attention are mostly historical panoramas and sacred issues.They revolves
around traditional and religious subjects. Her colorfully painted stories
entertain and attract people with a religious concentration and social life. Etsubdink
reads different sacred and religious books and digs deep to get ideas about
particular saints or historical events she wants to capture on canvas.
Etsubdink Leggese, who followed
her father’s footsteps was born and raised in Addis Ababa in 1960 E.C. She
completed her elementary and secondary education in Addis Ababa.She atteneded
her higher education in Teferi Mekonen Technical School, then, obtained her
Diploma in accounting.She is married and has two children. Memhire Leggese
Mengistu, her father, too was a renowned traditional painter on parchments.
Memhire Leggese, was a priest in Kechene Medhane Alem church. Beyond his
liturgical service, he voluntarily painted and decorated beautiful scenes of Medhane
Alem church on the walls of the mekdes.
As she related to me, when she was quite young, she used to get overwhelmed by her father’s paintings in Medhane Alem church. Thenceforth, she appreciated her father’s ( Memhre Leggese Mengistu’s) paittings and she started forever cherishing art.She started to assist her father with his work .At that time, her father, who observed his daughter’s inclination towards painting taught her how to hone her skills of painting flawlessly.
Soon after her father passed away, working hard Etsubdink started painting professionally. Then taking three other children aboard, she taught her own children the arts of painting. Her major paintings are found in many cultural institutes, art galleries and orthodox churches. Also in International Livestocke Institute and Ethiopian Red Cross Sosiety. She had presented her works in both solo and group shows and exhibitions.
Specially. St.George Gallery has been exhibiting her works since 2000.Etsubdink produced many historical and traditional paintings mounted on parchments.For example, five of her paintings are listed below.These are Queen of Sheba,St George,Raphael and Tobias,Agriculture and Ethiopia. Traditionally the topic ‘Queen of Sheba’ used to serve as a source of wisdom to ancient painters .Etsubdink too used to allude to this legend to shed light on past history which was evolved between Ethiopia and Jerusalem through Queen of Sheba and king Solomon. St. George is rather a religious painting on parchment.It illustrates how St. George killed the Dragon and saved the innocent girl, Birutawit.
The story of Raphael and Tobias was taken from the Book of Tobit .13;1-7. Tobias was a son of Tobit .It is the story of Archangel Raphael telling Tobias to catch a fish and relieve/ his hunger during his trek to far off lands. In addition, Raphael ordered Tobias to take out its heart ,liver and galbllader. The compositon of the archangel represents paintings of angles and saints in traditional gospel books.This paiting also indicates the strong reading bent of the painter.
‘Agriculture’ demonstrates that Ethiopian economy is based on traditional farming system.On the other hand, ‘ Map of Ethiopia ’ expresses unity and diversity.It shows how Ethiopian people live together creating a bond with each other. It is the biggest chart painted and produced on a wide skin . According to this painting, one can not split Ethiopia and live lonely without the other one .This map of Ethiopia or Ethiopian chart was presented by Etsubdink Leggese to State officials, on Hidar 29/ 2011 E.C, when the 13th anniversary of the Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities and Peoples day was celebrated here in Addis .
Etsubdink is a member of Ethioipian Artist Association. She adores staying painting past into the middnight. More often than not her clients are foreigners than domestic ones. According to Etsubdink to lead a meaningful life leaning on this profession is very challenging. It is too hard to obtain enough money selling products of art.
The only thing she is left with is her enthusiasm to art. Presently, it is hard to find many specialists, who prepare parchments and traditional inks to painting. So Etsubdink is worring that this profession may disappear soon.She is right. Because through her small studio alone , the wide Ethipian painting wisdom could not keep on going and transfered to the next generation.So, the goverenment, concerned bodies,cultural and religious institutions must give due attention to the burning issue.
The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 12 January 2020