Cities Forums for sustainable development

In Ethiopia, cities forums play significant roles in accelerating urbanization, improving good governance, reducing unemployment, improving land management and greenery cities. On the forums, the cities discuss their tourism and investment potentials; share fruitful experiences, present research findings, create opportunities for policy makers and encourage public participation in development activities. Moreover, through bringing different sectors and development agents, the forums strengthen the relationship among the cities.

This year’s, the 8th Round, Ethiopian Cities Forum will be celebrated under a theme: “Synergy for Ethiopian Cities’ prosperity” in 16-21 February 2019 at Jigjiga City, Somali State. The Jigjiga City Administration in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction will be organizing the forum. More than 200 cities and 20 organizations will be attending the forum, according to the organizers.

Birhanu Teshome, chairman of organizing committee of the forum and Head of Good Governance and Capacity Building at city’s Development and Construction Minister, said that more than 12,000 people will be attending the forum; adding that, “there are attendees from African sisterly cities such as Juba, Nairobi, Djibouti, Mogadishu, Asmera and the like. Until now, more than 100 cities have been registered to attend the forum.” According to Birhanu, Ambassadors of China, South Africa, East African Countries and 800 higher official sand invited guests will be attending the forum.

There will be a tough competition known as ‘City Marketing’ among cities; a city that promotes itself effectively will receive the reward. And 395 development workers, different enterprises, successful young entrepreneurs and model workers in development will get recognition for their contributions.

Birhanu added that the similar forums that took place at different cities in the last nine years have result in consider progresses in development and job creation at those cities. “Among these, the exhibition sites for the forums at Diredawa in 2016 and Gonder in 2017 have become very greenery with several job opportunities. Likewise, this year’s forum will initiate ample opportunities for business people and city dwellers.

It also helps the city administration to identify its strengths and weaknesses that need improvements, in addition to challenging it to increase its service delivery,” he added. On the forum, series of discussions will be conducted on different issues like ‘how model cities have improved their revenues?’ which can create awesome experiences moment. “It is hoped that the form will stimulate businesses activities that were hampered due to series of instabilities in the town few months ago.

More than 100 million Birr has been allocated for the forum that would result ample opportunities for the participants and residents. Jigjiga City Administration Capacity Development for Good Governance Bureau Head Semater Feleka on his part said that the forum will create multidimensional opportunities for the city. “We hope it will take our city’s economic activities a step ahead through encouraging experience sharing.

The exhibition centers have already been constructed in addition to preparing the necessary facilities like adequate transportation and sanitation services; more than a thousand citizens have benefited from the temporary job opportunities as a result,” the Bureau Head stated. According to the Semater, besides creating opportunities for service providing centers like hotels, the forum enables the residents to promote their products. “Since the exhibition centers will continue providing different services after the forum, permanent job opportunities will be available for the youths,” he said, adding that, “hotels with quality services have completed their preparations.

The city administration has allocated 84 million Birr in order to establish adequate accommodation services.” The cities forums have significant contribution in advancing urbanization through encouraging public discussions that enable developments agents to generate new ideas for growth, he noted.

“Researchers on urban development, ministers, city mayors, civil society representatives have presented ideas that would enhance urban development through bringing culture and innovation together along with reducing poverty reduction,” he said. The 7th Round Ethiopian Forum, “Sustainable Urban Development and Good Governance for Our Renaissance”, was conducted at Gonder City, Amhara State. The ancient city of Gonder used the opportunity to promote its tourism and investment potentials.

Herald January 22/2019


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