A moment for love, considerateness, selflessness

We are due to celebrate the day that marks the birth of the crucified lover of mankind who walked His talk.

As priests try to hammer home in their preaching, it was paying a selfless sacrifice for others’ sake Christ practically conveyed a message of love and considerateness.

It is the same ideals all religious leaders drive home to their respective laity. Mindful of the aforementioned golden rules, Christians and Muslims as well as followers of Judaism have been clicking well in ancient Ethiopia for eons. Owing to this fact the country grabs the attention of many including researchers.

However sad as it may sound, there is no stone the heinous leave unturned to dismantle this country and erect obstacles to hijack its march towards prosperity.

Even if the diabolic come up with different ploys to trap citizens hailing from different religions in a mortal battle of defending one’s religious house set ablaze, the latter circumvent such pitfalls as they know beyond any shadow of doubt as to who the instigator of the conflict are.

Had such trouble-fomenting experiment been attempted elsewhere needless to say it could have ended in civil war along religious lines. But such a thing is unthinkable in resilient Ethiopia that cruise safe from troubled waters.

That is because citizens’ Chemistry is an entrenched one and time old. Christian and Muslim Ethiopians, who lived together, be it while the sun shines or rainy days, have no reason to ramshackle either a church or a mosque.

Rather, Christians have been lending hands when mosques were being built and Muslims supporting the construction of churches. As any interested individual could see firsthand, it is together Muslims and Christians are refurbishing damaged churches and mosques to the chagrin of the diabolic.

It was when their conflict-triggering card along ethnic line proved futile, as a last ditch effort, they drew the one along the religious line unwilling to remind themselves that members of the two religions are intermingled in marriage.

The diabolic were daydreaming of a domino effect of the conflicts they instigate across the country. But their intention ended up a pipe dream.

Without the need for the interference of a third party, residents where such tragedies unfolded are jointly addressing the problem. They are rebuilding the religious houses pooling money and showing good gestures in the reconstruction works. Such resilience in the face of adversity is a showcase of the enduring clicking of the two religions. Such chemistry was there; it is still intact and will go on down the road despite futile attempts to hack social fabrics.

Parallel to watering their togetherness with fraternity, sagacity and considerateness, Ethiopians have to expose the diabolic so that the likes of them draw a lesson that they could no longer shed blood and perpetrate arson with impunity. Culprits should be meted out justice by the book. All Ethiopians must rally behind the government in nipping such inimical trends.

Citizens feel compensated when they see culprits are forced to respect the rule of law. Both foes and friends must know and respect Ethiopians’ oneness that surfs the tide of time.

All said here it should be mentioned that marking the Holiday spending money in a destructive manner oblivious to the needy does not fall in line with what our religious leaders preach.

Avoiding car accidents, which result from driving while drunk, must also be checked.

Keeping our time-old traditions of celebrating holidays, especially in rural parts, is viable. Here we have to note that we must not allow ours ceding place to the ones that come from abroad to the extent of choking us.

The importance of the traditional ones in promoting tourism should enjoy added attention.

The Ethiopian Herald January  5/2020

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