Mothers’ led extension in averting stunting

The prosperity of nations begins in the womb of a mother. The first 1,000 days of life in both the prenatal and postnatal environment determine the destiny of human being. According to developmental psychology, these days are dubbed as window of opportunity as cognitive, affective and psycho-motor skills laid their foundation.

Though Ethiopians harvest variety of yields in the diverse climatic zones and rich in livestock, but there is undernourishment, improper dietary diversity which results in stunting, wasting and underweight while obesity is the problem mainly observed in urban area.

Most notably, stunting which is irreversible unless mothers follow proper nourishment is appeared to be potential hazard for the nation.

As an agrarian economy and most people reside in rural areas far from civilized way of life, women are treated traditionally. Thus, rural women are prone to undernourishment and such degrading handling of women particularly mothers revealed to be the beginning of failure as they are the fertile ground for the posterity.

Indeed, the government has envisaged health and agriculture extension registering promising success. However, the nationwide rate of stunting is still 37 percent. The delay to formulate sound policy, failure to launch women led activism, food taboo, low level of awareness about nutrition are some of the factors.

Recently, the MoA has formulated a nutrition policy aiming at nutrition sensitive agriculture with the goal to attain optimal nutritional status at all stages consistently with a high quality of life, productivity and longevity of life, contribute to improving the nutritional status of children and women by increasing the quantity, quality, availability, accessibility as well as affordability of food.

The pride for any nation is the health of its citizen’s. Only the well-nourished people will be healthy. Healthy diets, proper food habits, giving special attention to vulnerable groups is critical says Dr. Girma Abebe, former Senior Nutrition Advisor at the Ministry of Agriculture. Thus, to build prosperous nation, investing in women is paramount.

On the other hand, the ministry is working with development partners such as Alive and Thrive, Farm Radio International, Digital Green to sensitize women on the issue of nutrition, sanitation and hygiene.

Farm Radio International a Canadian based NGO, for instance, is working with a range of knowledge partners such as agricultural research institutes, government extension officers and farmers’ unions to identify priority issues, gather useful information and monitor community radio programs to sensitize rural women.

Fana Minwuyelet, Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Alive & Thrive Ethiopia said the first 1,000 days of life is the period at which we can build the foundation of a child’s ability to grow, learn and reach their full potential. Under-nutrition and particularly stunting that occurs during this period is highly likely to be irreversible. Stunting contributes 16 percent to the rate of failure of students to pass to the next level.

Moreover, stunted children achieve one grade level less than their maximum achievement potential to education. Ethiopia’s annual loss due to food insecurity and stunting is estimated at 55.5 billion Birr, which accounts for 16.5 percent of the national GDP.

Therefore, ensuring optimal nutrition from the time of conception until a child turns two guarantees a prosperous Ethiopia that benefits from maximal use of a generation’s potential. Improving nutrition requires political will and commitment of the decision makers and nutrition program implementers. Hence, the need for all stakeholders to join hands to deliver, Fana said.

“Ensuring nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life and adolescence secures a bright future”.

Thus, for this to happen the need to launch women led extension is the question of identity as it determine the fate of the coming generation.

The Ethiopian Herald December26, 2019


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