The handover of 122 Vehicles for states

Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has been supported by different universal donors for the purpose of increasing agricultural products and productivities. World Bank, for instance, has supported MoA in many aspects. For this reason, it donates vehicles in different times.

Consequently, a project named “Livestock and Fishery Development” under World bank has bought 122 field vehicles through allocating about 101 mln Birr. Since these vehicles have been imported tax free, it is an advantage for saving nation’s resource. These vehicles have just been distributed for six states (Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR, Benishangul, and Gambella). Totally, 58 woredas who will be beneficiary receiving these field cars that helps them for tackling shortage of cars.

Delivering speech at the handover of these vehicles, minister of Agriculture, Oumer Hussien said that vehicles donated for projects are not utilized for the given target in our work of culture; rather they give services for other duties because of limitation of resources. Directly or indirectly, it results for low achievement of the given goal the project.

According to Oumer, best solutions have been made over these vehicles to have GPS in order to tackle this vital problem. Not only for the purpose of it, other solutions like speed control have been made on those cars targeting to decreasing car accident, Oumer speaks.

Not only this project, other ones also supplied different field vehicles and we have had delivered for many woredas before, the minister reminds. As to him, such kinds of support will be also appeared next.

Finally, Oumer urged the ones who have delivered those vehicles in order to utilize these cars wisely for the given target of the project.

Thomas Cherinet (Ph.D), National Coordinator of Livestock and Fishery Development Project (FSDP) in Ministry of Agriculture speaks at his presentation for the respected guests that these vehicles will have a significant role for improving livestock sectors at rural areas of the nation. Thomas reminds the main objective of this project is (1), increase the capacity the marketing system of producers and agro processors on the selected livestock value chains: (2) empower service delivery of livestock and fishery sector, (3) respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.

He also pointed out three components of the project; (A) Linking More Productive Farmers to Market, (B) Strengthen National Institutions and Programs, (C) Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Management.

The project give especial attention in order to improve products of dairy, poultry, red meat and fishery development, stated Thomas during vehicles delivery.

He also said that 176.2 million USD was allocated to run project for six consecutive years. Consequently, 1.7 million male households and 8.8 million family members at 1775 kebeles will be beneficiary under this project.

The Ethiopian Herald December17, 2019


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