Nurturing forum for collective growth

Urbanization is largely considered to be driver of national economic development. The government of Ethiopia has increasingly accorded focus to urban issues establishing policy and regulatory frameworks. It has also increased investment in critical areas such as urban development, housing, employment and improved living conditions for urban residents.

Critical step have been take such as establishing annual Ethiopian Urban Forum in 2009. The forum aims at improving and implementing strategic urban planning as well as innovative approaches for pro-poor urban development.

The forum also seeks to promote sustainable, effective governance and provides towns with a mechanism for influencing policy development. Moreover, the Ethiopian Urban Forum is an exclusive platform for the towns to address livable and sustainable city challenges, share integrated urban solutions and forge new partnerships. They have been jointly organized by the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction with the host towns.

Forum has been organized for the past nine years as with a designation of “cities day”, after a while it has been changed to “cities week”. Finally, it was changed to “cities forum” three years ago.

The Ministry organized seven series of forums in the past eight years and last year’s event was the first after a decision was made to conduct the forum in every two years. Recently in an occasion held at Adama town concerning the 8th Ethiopian Urban Forum, Minister of Urban Development and Construction, Tazaer Gebregziabher said that the Forum will be held at Jigjiga town.

The forum will be organized by the Ministry and Jigjiga town Administration budgeting 63 million Birr. The event will be attended by high ranking government officials including cabinet ministers, State Officials and mayors. More than 200 towns including development partners are expected to participate in the forum themed ‘Synergy for the development of Ethiopian towns’. The event will be marked from February 17 to 22. He also said that the critical issues of the forum will be: how to improve cities governance, build up resilience through policy, technology and social innovation.

These issues are believed to help to sustain infrastructural development in urban areas and make urban areas better and conducive for human life. As always, he said, this urban forum will create the opportunity of networking Ethiopian towns, sharing experience in green development, in fostering health competition and tolerance ”. On the other hand, Urban Good Governance Capacity Building Head at the Ministry Berhanu Teshome on his part said, Ethiopia has participated in 7th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia in 2014.

The forum helped the country to draw knowledge from other world cities and develop various urban policies and strategies on urban environment, construction and infrastructural development. Innovation, exhibition, panel discussion, plenary discussion will be presented in the upcoming 8th Ethiopia Urban Forum.

The forum is expected to allow cities to showcase their best practices, promote their resources, and attract investment and tourism as well as to build healthy competition between the cities. Berhanu said: “Innovators and towns will be rewarded according to their contribution in town plan, design, software development and land management”. Moreover, cities are expected to explore how they can better govern and build up resilience through policy, technology and social innovations.

With active engagement, there will be more opportunities for the public, private and people sectors to cocreate innovative and integrated urban solutions for a more livable and sustainable future.

Herald January 18/2019


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