Aljazeera without borders

“Journalism is not a profession, but it is a mission” saying of Mahatma Gandhi is being a metaphor of prioritizing the urgency of translating the concept of humanity, justice and freedom, public liberties and human rights into practical action. A missionary knows no limit when it comes to borders. Being a member of this taskforce is tantamount to crossing borders with sealed statement of stewardship and magnanimity.

Aljazeera media network is seen crossing the “forbidden” borders with the role of missionary acts. Aljazeera desk in Ethiopia has been trying to connect Africa with gulf and other Arab countries. It is playing quite a role in connecting Ethiopia with Middle East countries as well as in enhancing interregional integration among Africa countries. It serves as abridge to connect the global society by using a single window of media network with a pen and a motion picture ink.

It touches the “untouchable” and accords focal attention to the marginalized people, with a manner of being a voice for the voiceless. So, as a vehicle it serves to outreach those pushed to the peripheries. Aljazeera has imminent potential to narrow geographical barriers and home sickness. Taking this into account, The Ethiopian Herald has approached Bureau Chief of Aljazeera Media Network in Ethiopia, Mohamed Taha Tawakel, to discuss on Aljazeera’s such engagement in the diplomatic sphere.

Herald: Which democratic values does Aljazeera espouse for the benefit of target audiences?

Mohamed: We seek to promote awareness and respect for Public Liberties and Human Rights by monitoring, documenting, broadcasting and raising awareness on these important issues. Our objective is to expand this awareness across the world as a whole, and within the Middle East in particular. We strive to achieve this in conjunction with the Al Jazeera Media Network’s vision and mission, as well as in conformity with its professional ethics.

Herald: What dreams does Aljazeera aspire to achieve?

Mohamed: The Public Liberties and Human Rights Desk aims at being a leading media source in furthering the Public Liberties and Human Rights Department. Broadcasting and promoting these values will create an incentive for their respect, adherence and fulfillment among all those reached by Al Jazeera’s expanding Media Network. We aim to pioneer a media movement leading to the consolidation of human rights and public liberties and the promotion of their values and principles.

Herald: What are the main strategic goals of Aljazeera media network?

Mohamed: Aljazeera media network integrates with the concepts of human rights, humanitarian law, justice and rule of law in all programs, news and activities of the Al Jazeera Media Network. We also facilitate a program in the provision of training and developing the capacity of all journalists, reports, and general Al Jazeera staff in the fields of human rights, humanitarian law, and occupational safety during media coverage.

And we have built strategic partnerships with human rights organizations and defenders. We have a duty in the setting up of a specialized database to assist all Al Jazeera channels and websites for the sake of dealing accurately with the themes and issues of human rights as well as humanitarian law. In addition, having to raise public awareness of the principles and standards of human rights, humanitarian law and transitional justice are the other goals of Aljazeera Media Network.

Aljazeera media network is charged with the task to register and document violations and achievements in the field of human rights protection and to highlight them in the media and as well to ensure that all Al Jazeera programs align with the standards of human rights, public liberties and humanitarian laws.

Placing focus on all regional and international developments related to the protection of human rights and public liberties, documenting the experiences of organizations working in this field, and producing reports, documentaries and programs on human rights and public liberty issues are some of the activities of the Aljazeera Media Network.

Herald: What do you say about the main responsibility of Aljazeera media network in disseminating information to its respective audiences?

Mohamed: As Aljazeera’s code of ethics is proving a globally oriented media service, it has adopted code of ethics in pursuance of the vision and mission it has set for itself. We work hard to adhere to the journalistic values of honesty, courage, fairness, balance, independence, credibility and diversity, giving no priority to commercial or political over professional consideration. And we endeavor to get to the truth and declare it in our dispatches, programs and news bulletins unequivocally in a manner which leaves no doubt about its validity and accuracy.

We adhere to the moral values of treating our audiences with due respect and addressing every issue or story with due attention to portray a clear, factual and accurate picture, while giving full consideration to the feelings of victims of crime, war, persecution and disaster, their relatives and our viewers. We have also due concern to individual privacies and public decorum.

We welcome fair and honest media competition without allowing it to affect adversely our standards of performance and thereby having a “scoop” would not become an end in itself and present the diverse points of view and opinions without bias and partiality.

Aljazeera Media Network recognizes diversity in human societies with all their races, cultures and beliefs and their values and intrinsic individualities so as to present unbiased and faithful reflection of them. It acknowledges when a mistake occurs, promptly correct it and ensure it does not recur.

Moreover, the media network observes

 transparency in dealing with the news and its sources while adhering to the internationally established practices concerning the rights of these sources. It as well distinguishes between news material, opinion and analysis to avoid the snares of speculation and propaganda.

Aljazeera Media Network has a mandate to stand firm for colleagues in the profession and give them support when required, particularly in the light of the acts of aggression and harassment to which journalists are subjected at times.

Herald: Does Aljazeera have any partnerships with other humanitarian institutions?

Mohamed: Aljazeera Media Network cooperates with Arab and international journalistic unions and associations to defend freedom of the press. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Committee for the Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontieres, National Commission for Human Rights Doha Centre for Media Freedom Faculty of Law at the University of Lyon Kuwaiti Society for the basic constituents of Human Rights Al-Shorouq Media Foundation Arab Institute for Human Rights Collaborating organizations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights International Federation are some of partner organizations of Aljazeera Media Network.

Herald: What activities does Aljazeera undertake in broadcasting the role of Ethiopia as a country?

Mohamed: In this case, Aljazeera serves as a bridge for Africa-Arab countries connectivity. Historically, Africa and Arab countries have a longstanding relationship in various perspectives. Particularly, Ethiopia and middle- east countries have close relationships in terms of historical background and religious beliefs. As Ethiopia is the center of excellence of Africa Union headquarter, broadcasting about the country’s activities are given due concern in the eyes of middle- East countries.

Then, we did broadcast about Ethiopia through means of disseminating travel stories of the historical facts, cultural tendencies, and socio-economic as well as political status of the country. Alongside the political role of the country in the places of Africa and Arab countries, we have a debt to disseminate information regarding geo-political role of the country. We also opt to let information for the world’s audiences regarding the current reform and the ongoing process of the country pertaining to keeping human rights, justice and freedom, public opinion of pressure and independent groups.

Herald: Does Aljazeera work for Africa-Arab countries relationship?

Mohamed: We have a media policy of strengthening a relationship between Africa-Arab countries. Aljazeera media network has initiative to broadcast information related to socio-economic as well political realities of Africa-Arab countries.

As Ethiopia is the center of Africa Union, we are the first to broadcast information of first- hand accounts that deal on high-level discussions in various aspects of day to day happening of incidents. We are the first source of information of issues pertaining to Africa Union. In this regard, Ethiopia plays a big role in enhancing relations of the aforesaid countries.

We are the only one who disseminates breaking stories of Ethio-Eritrea negotiation, Ethio-Somalia and Djibouti-Ethiopia bilateral ties as well as what is happening in Sudan and South Sudan to the world’s audiences. As Aljazeera is a media network of the voice of voiceless, we give unique and exceptional coverage for the marginalized people of the African continent, Middle- East, Latin America and other Arab countries.

As BBC, CNN and other media outlets have their own area of interest and their own bases, Aljazeera media network has inclined towards the inclusiveness of the countries of ‘forbidden’ cities of the people. We have a duty to stand for the voiceless in such a way that firmly instance on public liberties and human rights.

We are in the position of giving media coverage of the Gulf States. Aljazeera has a role of opinion leaderships on for the marginiazed people in Africa and Gulf states. As a result, we are able to knock every door of individuals of the disadvantaged people of the ‘civil-neglected’ countries in Africa and Gulf. We could not be the reason for conflict and political turmoil. But, we are a peace maker and problem-solver media in any given country of the world. As we are in the period of social change and political revolution, we strive hard to do tasks of reformation, economy improvement and reinforcement of people’s capability.

Herald: Does Aljazeera broadcasts information concerning interregional integration among Africa countries?

Mohamed: Of course, we are doing our best in giving media coverage in the issues of interregional program— accessing of free visa, Africa Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), infrastructural and development projects, the ongoing process of reform, political upheaval, and human right movement in the countries of Africa continent.

Herald: Does Aljazeera engage in building capacity of Ethiopia’s journalists?

Mohamed: Actually, one of the objectives of Al Jazeera network is to improve the level of regional and global media through developing their media skills and improving their performance in various fields of media. And it is the belief of Al Jazeera media network that the role of media is significant and important.

Media is the means to convey ideas, works, and actions and have the ability to persuade, create public opinion, and support the value of tolerance and respect among many. And media is a very important element in promoting growth and sustainable development in Africa. Therefore, Aljazeera media network is interested in developing the media to play its role to the fullest.

So, we have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ethiopian Broadcasting authority to build the capacity of Ethiopia’s journalists. Regarding the skilled manpower gap in the media industry of the country, Aljazeera expresses its readiness to bridge the skilled chasm in an effort of inaugurating Aljazeera media training institution in the near future.

Ethiopian Herald Sunday December 8/2019


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