Science fair for inspiring young innovators

Science fairs organized for public and the society of science are believed to have an important role in developing science and in particular engineering in any country in the world including developed countries. Above all, they are regarded as the best means to inspire young talents towards innovation.

In fact, World Science Day is celebrated every year on 10 November since it was established by UNESCO in 2001 with the aim of highlighting the important role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging and important contemporary issues relevant to science.

Among the events organized to commemorate the day are science fairs. This year’s Theme of the world science day was “Open Science, Leaving No One Behind”. Worldwide, it is used to raise awareness of the contribution of science to societies.

In particular, the event creates a good platform to inspire creativity and innovation among students.

The 2019 Ethiopian Science Fair was made public from November 5 – 10, 2019 at the Headquarters of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences.

It was organized by Ministry of Education ( MoE), STEM Synergy, STEMpower, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MOSHE), UNESCO, Ethiopian Academy of Sciences ( EAS), Kotebe Metropolitan University ( KMU), Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) and Ministry of Innovation and Technology( MINT).

The competition was carried out among students representing public and private schools of all over the country. Students drawn from the existing nine STEM centers had also presented their works on such vital topics as Robotics, Engineering and Software applications.

The exhibition that was officially inaugurated by Mrs. Tsion Teklu, State Minister of Education was visited by high-profile government officials, scientists, scholars and the general public.

Finalists have been selected by judges in the fields based on rigid rubrics. And they were rewarded laptop computers and other gifts, says Tsegaye Legesse, President of STEM SYNERGY. He also added that STEM Synergy’s sponsors for the 2019 National Science and Engineering Fair include Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines.

Tsgaye says that STEM Synergy, an international NGO, has opened eight science and technology learning centers in different parts of the country in the past few months. These centers are located at the campuses of Dilla University, Haramaya University, Harar Polytechnic, Debremarkos University, Woldiya University, Gode polytechnic, Ethiopian Academy of Sciences and Kebridehar in Somali region.

“The centers will be operational and accept students from close by primary and secondary schools to offer hands-on Science and Technology Education,” adding that his NGO will finance the centers until they will be handed over to each institution when the project phases out in the coming two years.

The Ethiopian Herald November29, 2019


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