Ambassadors, Consul-Generals Annual Meeting underway

. Premier on Monday called ambassadors, diplomats face and soul of Ethiopia abroad

ADDIS ABABA – The week-long annual conference of Ambassadors, Consul-Generals, and Directors Generals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs started yesterday, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The annual meeting is targeting to discuss contemporary regional global and geopolitical issues affecting Ethiopia and its neighbors, review the country’s economic diplomacy venture, and the Diaspora engagement in  country development.

As it’s known, on Monday, Prime Minister Abiy held an in-depth, thorough discussion on the same topics with the leadership of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director Generals, ambassadors and diplomats alongside the ongoing reform, its progresses and challenges.

On the occasion, the Premier said that Diplomacy is one pillar of economic development, and vital bedrock for socio-economic progress, where the country’s Ambassadors and diplomats represent the face and soul of Ethiopia abroad. “An Ambassador should relentlessly promote Ethiopia abroad for national gain, stimulate positive country image, mobilize investment, tourism and better engage the Diaspora for national dialogue,” said the Ministry’s report citing the PM.

Also, the Prime Minister in his meeting emphasized on the importance of understanding global trends as diplomats to ensure there is alignment of thought and practice among themselves grounded in clarity of Ethiopia’s foreign policy, and to realize the country’s interest.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 16/2019


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