The education terrain stripped of ethical manners, quality

Education is key for the whole thing under the sun. Devoid of effectuating a robust education system, one’s country cannot move a step forward in the avenue of development and attain what advanced countries had already achieved in a widearray of development activities. Over the past twenty seven years, the education system of the country had been going downhill. No one was paying due attention to attaching quality to education. Unluckily, the unreformed EPRDF was not willing to add a single effort to the education sector of the country.

Constantly top officials of the regime were busy making an effort to take the country in the wrong direction and designing an assortment of mechanisms which enable them to stay in power for years.

The syllabus of the country was underprivileged. It did not help one stand on his/her foot. Nor did it help generate productive students who can serve their motherland in various development activities. Though most people complain about the quality of the education system of the country over and over again, the concerned bodies were constantly turning a blind eye.

They were arguing black is white. They thought they were always right. To the surprise of everyone, they were not willing to lend their ears for any complaint pertaining to education. Though, many people made an effort to set the education system of the country be on the right track, nobody was able to come up with effectual solutions.

Recently, Premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed had held discussions at his office with educators drawn from various parts of the country aiming at creating conducive teachinglearning environment and nurturing the future generation of the country, and what not. At the meeting, teachers had posed assorted questions revolving around the teaching-learning environment and other related issues. By the same token, the Ethiopian premier had clearly highlighted education reforms, salary and incentives, educators’ role in enhancing and maintaining peace and what have you.

All educators had a wonderful time with the premier. Most of the participants had lauded the significance of the discussion. This journalist had a short stay with various people to have their take on the education system of the country and on the way forward. According to teacher Tigabe, the teaching-learning system of the country is behind standard. Lack of manners is manifested amongst students. Some of them do not care about attending classes except simply getting off the track time and again.They are turning out to be a pain in the neck. Some of them do not even know the desired goal of education except carrying lunch boxes and school bags in and out of their respective schools. They do not respect teachers.

They consider whosoever makes an effort to shower them with pieces of advices in a bid to make them see to reason their number one enemy some. He added: “Most parents bend over backwards to make money for their children school fees. They leave no stone unturned to cover fees on time their children’s school fees. Students do not understand the various life challenges parents pass through to teach their children and make their bread buttered well.

They rather demand more.They lack gratitude. They are unethical mirroring the government in power. Most of them do not separate the sheep from the goat.” Teacher Tewodros for his part said, “Ethical education should be incorporated in the curriculum. Had it been integrated, students would not have missed the desired goal and got off the track over and over again. Moreover, they would have become God-fearing people. Influenced by the western cultures,moststudents buckle under cultural imperialism. See the weird trousers boy students were.

They cut a posture halfway between a boy and a girl. I do not know what the objective of putting such outfits is. Barefacedly, without the consent of school administrators, teachers and parents, they have got their uniforms in such a fashion. School administrators,surprisingly, bankers who are expected to display protocol are seen putting suits made in the same fashion. This is disgusting.When it comes to girls, sadly, wearing tattered trousers that show body parts has become a fad. This runs counter to our tradition.

On the contrary, when we were kids, we attached significance to our parents.We were reverent of our teachers and moral values. We were in the habit of respecting our parents. At this moment in time, most students do not seem to have the slightest inkling of education. They simply go in and out of their respective schoolsas they feel fit. They adore French leave. Drank, they report to school. Nowadays, in various schools here in Addis Ababa, a variety of days are celebrated such as “gentlemen day, water day, color day, what have you? Concerned bodies should monitor and cut down the celebrations in a little while before it is too late.”

Taking the aforementioned tasks into account, the government should give emphasis to developing the education roadmap of the country,which helps take the country to the pinnacle of success. Currently, as students can pass exams with no trouble, they do not care about focusing on their studies. Besides, nobody dresses them down. Most students do not focus on studying and broadening the horizon of their knowledge.Simply opening a school and showering students to be on the right track cannot help them achieve the desired goal— coming up with talented, responsible and well-mannered students. The education roadmap which is going to be effective across the country should be able to incorporate everything which enables students to be ethical citizens.

Herald January 13/2019


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