Digital e-learning for better health

The e-learning digital material module is to be applied in health extension program across the country.

Share plus Graphic Design Plc President Dr. Bae Seohyun told The Ethiopian Herald that she initiated the idea to start in Oromia and Addis Ababa in pilot projects and to expand the digital module for all health extension workers in Ethiopia.

Health extension workers in a face-to-face interaction with trainers will now be able to use blended approach through which they can learn with digital module base through computers or tablets to finish their trainings in the college.

The blended approach is believed to slash the cost that the government has to spend for such training module, she noted.

We have started the first pilot project in Oromia region and Addis Ababa to be followed in Amhara region before it will be expanded to all over the country, she added.

Share plus Graphic Design General Manger in Ethiopia, Dawit Eshetu on his part said “In e-learning digital module, a student or health extension worker can learn directly seeing the object, asking questions and getting answers soon with test results,” he said.

With the help of Ministry of Health, the company will work to transform health extension workers’ training module to e-learning material (avoiding the former system or changing the hard copy learning process in to digital one), he noted.

The first pilot project module is being applied in Oromia region with Affan Oromo language mixed with English, he said.

About 2 million US Dollar has been allocated for the pilot projects, he also noted.

The Ethiopian Herald November15, 2019


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