Trade fair to strengthen business to business connection

Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association president, Mesenbet Shenkute, said on the 3rd Manufacturing and Technology International Trade Fair that exhibitions like this one has a good advantage for local manufacturers to share experience with their fellow African brothers and others.

In the exhibition that was organized by Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association, Mesenbet said that the trade fair has a great advantage for both local and the international businessmen to share experience and fill their gaps.On the event more than 125 businessmen have exhibited their products. Agricultural and food items, construction and building materials, electrical equipment, information technology, automotive technology, manufacturing, oil & gas, cosmetics, textiles and traditional crafts were among others.

The organizers said that if African countries have this kind of opportunity it would not be too far for them to have a strong market relationship and they could trade their product at every corner of the continent.Organizers also said, the exhibition is a good indication for producers and other business men to focus on import substitution method which has a key role for industrialization and save the nation a large amount of foreign currency. Wango is a Ghanaian businessman who has exhibited his traditional crafts at the exhibition.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Wango said, this kind of trade fair has great values for producers, retailers and manufacturers. He said, this is particularly true for African businessmen. It will give them an advantage to share experience and exchange goods among each other.

He said that traditional craft production is one of the areas where most African youth are engaged. It has a great potential to earn a living out of it. “In this respect, African countries have to share their experience with each other. The third trade fair is a good opportunity in this regard. We African need develop a culture of appreciating one another in business activities. It will benefit us. ”

Jakem is a Danish businessman whom The Ethiopian Herald interviewed at the trade fair. Jakem believes that exchanging of information among exhibitors is a good opportunity for all businessmen. It expands their thence of understanding the gap in the international market and enables them to be competitive by producing better goods.

He also said, previously, Ethiopia and Denmark businessmen had a fruitful discussion on areas of dairy production. They have exchanged experience. This is a good indication how trade fairs like this one would help one another for better and successful business. He also said, his company, which is engaged in energy sector, has a keen desire to invest in Ethiopia.

On his part, Samuel Berhanu, who exhibited his leather and leather products said Ethiopia did not properly utilized its potential in the area of leather production. In comparison with the previous trend there are several changes. But, much is expected from us to penetrate into the international market. In this respect, events like this one has a significant role in bring different businessmen men from different parts of the world and share experience among each other.

“Trade Logistics Facilitation for Competitiveness in Manufacturing” was theme of the exhibition and it was held from October 31 to November 4.

The Ethiopian Herald November15, 2019


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