Towards creating artificial lakes

Needless to say water is fundamental for the existence of human society. Water is a decisive factor for the development and prosperity of one’s country. It is one of the utmost renewable resources useful for quenching thirst, for generating hydroelectric power, for keeping sanitation and hygiene as well for facilitating recreational places as seen in the affluent countries, especially the Middle East.

We are in an era when water is invoking war here and there. The veto powers of the world have been longing to “invade” the main oceanic and sea shores, riversides and tributary branches, beaches and sea routes aiming to undertake trade and investment, to deploy navy forces for defenses and offences, to get a niche in strategic places for interregional integrations, to generate energy power for industrial advancement.

When we come to our case, water seems not to get due attention for the exploitation of multi-faceted benefits. For instance, the river sides in urban areas are dumping grounds of household wastes, chemical and industrial byproducts and decayed materials.

On the flip side, other countries have been building artificial river sides, lakes and sea shores in the metropolitan cities. But here, unfortunately, there are no artificial lakes and sea shores in the main cities of Ethiopia.

A roadmap of artificial lakes and sea shores should be considered when the cities’ master plans are sketched. Building artificial lakes, river sides and sea shores creates a meaningful impact on the socio-economic development of the country. Also such ventures are good for the well-being and psycho of the urban’s communities. And it enables a nation to create jobs for the unemployed youths.

It can also serve senior citizens and aged people to refresh their mind, mediate and dispel their distresses. The artificial lakes could be utilized as a platform of focus group discussion of social institutions and social court.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 3 November 2019


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