Institute striving to maintain quality assurance certification

National Veterinary Institute (NVI) has been endeavoring to maintain competent and internationally recognized quality assurance certification standards.

The institute has been working to evolve into the powerhouse of veterinary vaccines and drugs, Dr. Martha Yami, General Manager at the Institute told The Ethiopian Herald. ‘‘Since 2006, our institute has accomplished various activities regarding veterinary. Thus, it had gained ISO standard certificate.

The ISO certificate has created global market linkage,’’ she said: adding; ‘‘ The institute is exporting its products to other countries. But, the products should pass the quality assurance certificate called “Good Manufacturing Practice” for more exporting opportunity.’’ This would pave way for international acceptance.’’ According to her, since the institute will not be effective with outdated equipment, it has already built a new facilty center.

It is on a way to import cutting edge materials to further enhance its activities. ‘‘In the New Year 2019, the facility center will be completed. It would import necessary materials. By then, it would be expected to get the ‘Good Manufacturing Practice’ certification. Hence, the institute will hugely improve its service and produce high quality export oriented products,’’Dr. Martha insisted.

As to Dr. Martha, the institute is working with other countries and international organizations especially on research and importing new technologies to be more competent. Established 55 years ago, the National Veterinary Institute is one of the oldest veterinary institutions in Africa, it is learned.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 13/2019



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