Tourism: Nation’s still untapped potential economy

Remarkably, Ethiopia’s development of the tourism and travel economy has been reported as growing swiftly. During 2017 fiscal year, the nation’s tourist development rate was recorded as amongst the highest scorers on global tourism economy development.

During the year, it was pick of the world tourism rating; dominating the world’s average growth rate of 3.9 percent in the sector. It was reported that Ethiopia’s tourism and travel economy grew by 48.6 percent according to World Travel and Tourism Council and the nation secured 7.4 billion USD.

According to the report, this was mainly motivated by the country’s potential of tourist attraction for international visitors and Ethiopia being a hub of regional transportation.

Besides, Ethiopia’s cultural, natural and historical heterogeneity makes the potential of pulling tourist inflow tremendously high. But, low infrastructure, substandard publicity, lack of effort on the sector, and less attention to visit tourist destinations keeps the industry untapped yet.

Recently reported information from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism also indicates that the growth rate of the industry is not speedy as it used to be in the previous times. Thus, foreign currency revenue gained from the industry has been diminished from 5 billion USD in 2017 to 3.179 billion in 2018/19.

Cognizant to impact of this decline, Ethiopia’s government has set different plans to restore and boost tourism economy by reforming structural and institutional techniques. Technological advancements, new tourist destinations, and cooperative actions are also under implementation to enhance tourism economy.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed also briefed parliament members during a question and answer session held on 22 October, 2019 that the government is very alert to boost tourist inflow by restructuring and beautifying touristic destinations. To him, the recently inaugurated Unity Park (park built in the Palace compound) is attracting thousands of visitors per day. Adding, he said that other projects are also under implementation which the government sees for further source of tourism economy.

During the opening of World tourism day celebration held last September, Hirut Kasaw (PhD), Minister, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, also remarked that Ethiopia’s potential in the tourism sector and its performance are not much compatible. It needs to augment the sector via coordinated efforts to boom income gained by tourism. To her, local tourists are motivated to explore the nation’s traditions, natural and historical tourist destinations which in turn enable to improve service delivery and increase number of tourist destinations.

She reiterated that Ethiopia has a potential of securing more income from the tourism sector by sustaining and strengthening public festivals as well. To come up with this, investors, associations, governmental institutions and experts should strive cooperatively, she insisted.

“Ethiopia has untapped tourism economical potentials which can play pivotal role in backing national economy,” she noted.

Kiflu Gebregiorgis, Chairman of Ethiopian Hotel Experts Association for his part told to Ethiopian Press Agency that Ethiopia’s tourism industry is still led largely by untrained personnel. To him, restructuring tourism based sectors by improving its human resource through providing short and long term trainings should be done by concerned bodies.

Tariku Negash, acting Communication director at the ministry also told to The Ethiopian Herald that the ministry has planned to secure 5 billion USD this year. As to him, the ministry is striving to simplify tourism based applications that enable hit the target. Adding, he said that the recently applied e-Visa has also registered appreciable result on tourist inflow.

The Ethiopian Herald October 25, 2019


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