Operation Peace Spring is against terrorism

Turkish troops along with the Syrian National Army launched “Operation Peace Spring” against the PKK/YPG and DAESH terrorists in northeastern Syria on 9th October 2019.

There are rightful reasons for Operation Peace Spring.

First, our resolve to fight against terrorist organizations is firm. In Syria, we are a committed member of the Global Coalition against DEASH. However, the threat of terrorism originating from Syria and targeting our borders is not limited to DEASH.

Second, the threat of terrorism originating from Syria and targeting our borders has not yet ended. During the last two years, PYD/YPG, the Syrian offshoot of the PKK terrorist organization, has perpetrated more than 300 terrorist attacks targeting Turkey or Syrians within Syria.

Third, explosives and ammunition have been smuggled to Turkey to be handed over to the PKK terrorist organization.

Fourth, there has been growing evidence about PYD/YPG’s human rights violations such as recruiting child soldiers, intimidating dissidents, demographic engineering and forced conscription in areas under its control.

Our expectations and sensitivities regarding the PYD/YPG threat were repeatedly brought to the attention of all our Allies, beginning with those who have military and civilian presence in the east of Euphrates, especially the US. Unfortunately, our talks with the US on the establishment of a safe zone with a view to addressing our legitimate security concerns and sustaining the fight against DEASH have remained inconclusive.

Under these circumstances, we could no longer tolerate the presence of terrorists at our borders and we were compelled to take our destiny into our hands. Where international community failed to act, Turkey had to take an action.

That is why we launched “Operation Peace Spring”. The main objectives of this operation are to ensure Turkey’s border security, neutralize terrorists in the region and save Syrians from the oppression and cruelty of these terrorists and to form a safe zone for Syrian refugees who will be able to return to their home country in the aftermath of the operation.

The operation is carried out on the basis of international law, in accordance with the right of self-defense as enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter and the relevant Security Council resolutions.

Only terrorist elements and their hideouts, shelters, emplacements, weapons, vehicles and equipment will be targeted during the planning and execution phases of the operation. All necessary measures are taken to prevent any harm to civilians.

Allies who have a military presence in the region were informed of the operation in a timely manner. We notified the UN Secretary General of the start of this operation.

We delivered a verbal note to the Syrian Consulate General in Istanbul. We made clear that this was limited to a counter-terrorism operation.

Through our all contacts, we reiterated that Turkey should not be expected to tolerate

 the presence of terrorists at its borders. The presence of terrorist groups pursuing separatist agendas also threatens the territorial integrity and unity of Syria.

Turkey was compelled to take action to eliminate an existential security threat along its Syria border.

The operation also aims to facilitate safe and voluntary returns of displaced Syrians. A safe zone free from terror will encourage these Syrians, including more than 300 thousand Syrian Kurds taking refuge in Turkey, to voluntarily return to their homes. H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey shared the plan that was developed for northeastern Syria with the world leaders at last month’s United Nations General Assembly. We make it clear that absent an alternative plan to deal with the refugee crisis, the international community should either join our efforts or begin admitting refugees. Since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, no country has felt the pain of the ensuing humanitarian crisis more severely than Turkey. We took in 3.6 million Syrian refugees, which is the 14% percent of the refugees worldwide and spent 40 billion Dollars to offer them education, healthcare and livelihood.

We are determined to continue the operation until all terrorists have been wiped out of the region, our border security has been ensured, and local Syrians have been liberated from the tyranny of PYD/YPG as well as the DEASH threat. The Syrian National Coalition and the Syrian Interim Government as well as tribal leaders have expressed support for the operation.

During the operation, PYD/YPG showed its true colors by firing up to 700 mortars and rockets indiscriminately to bordering Turkish provinces. Both our citizens and Syrians taking refuge on Turkish soil were affected. As of 14 October 2019, civilian casualties have mounted to almost 200, including 18 confirmed cases of death.

We are taking utmost care to ensure that the operation is conducted in full compliance with international law.

Allegations that the operation would lead to a new humanitarian crisis and a mass migration flow are fabricated in order to discredit Turkey’s counter-terrorism efforts.

We once again would like to emphasize that preservation of the territorial integrity and political unity of Syria is essential for Turkey. Certain countries, which explicitly or implicitly support the separatist agenda of PYD/YPG terrorist organization, are making baseless accusations against Turkey on this matter. This is a manifestation of their frustration for the disruption of their plans to divide Syria.

Our main expectation from the international community, particularly from our Allies, is to support our fight against terrorism. As it did in the past, Turkey will continue to firmly counter all kinds of terrorist organizations.

Operation Peace Spring represents a second chance to help Turkey end proxy wars in Syria and restore peace and stability to the region.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday edition October 20/2019


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