In the 18th century, we had “disease journalists” who reported in detail how epidemics were spreading and how people suffered, but little was known about cures and little reported. Then, we were also passing through war journalism where journalists use language of military triumph and an action orientation urging violence as a means to a resolution which sometimes causes even more conflict.
The time has come for “peace journalists” to write not only about war, but also about its causes, prevention, and ways to restore peace. Similarly, peace journalists can ask various peace organizations like HWPL and mediators about their ideas for preventing or ending a violent conflict, and report about it.
“Reporters are just like the windows and eyes of world and for people which can watch and reflect the whole world. We sincerely hope that all we can become clear eyes and be one for bring peace to the world. I’d like you to do your duty as a journalist regardless of politics, religion, and race because public opinion is very powerful formed through you,” says Chairman Lee of HWPL.
Today, journalists are often unable to speak up to be influenced by the political disposition of each country and external interference. Peace Initiative (PI) is a global journalist network in efforts of facilitating a culture of peace as contribution to conflict resolution and peace building through press freedom and freedom of information stipulated in the UN resolutions and international agreements.
However, PI is now able to spread the message to many readers by writing a voice of peace without being bound by various constraints. Individual journalists and media agencies affiliated with peace initiative dedicate to spreading news of peace to enhance human rights and protect democracy.
Currently, people who live in different parts of Ethiopia suffer by imaginative, creative and transforming conflicts and they thirst for peace more than anything. Everyone has now understood the importance of using peace journalism to conflict resolution. Media outlets believe in using peace journalism, as an attempt to supplement the news conventions to give peace a chance.
So, all the media outlets, including newspaper articles, television broadcasts and radio reports must shape public attitudes and perceptions about conflict and conflict resolution. All we are going to do is to spread peace news of Ethiopia to citizens around the world. Let’s make a stand. It’s up to you, me, and up to the future generations to make a difference to this country.
In fact, the situation in today’s world can be traced back to the two tragic world wars of the last century: their devastating aftermath and violations of international customs. From this world, the United Nations and many international and regional organizations were created to overcome and counteract the cruelty of conflict and the loss of human dignity. Since then, many international agreements and declarations have evolved into mechanisms included in the core values of the modern era to secure peace, assign human rights and create a world free from war.
In order to tackle human rights crises threatened by international conflicts, HWPL Press proposes to promote standards and public interest in peace activities in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4, Article 13 of the Charter of the United Nations.
This Charter aims at ‘promoting international co-operation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification; promoting international co-operation in the economic, social, cultural, educational, and health fields, and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
In this regard, it is imperative that people in the field of journalism are responsible for promoting a comprehensive legal approach to guide global citizens, regardless of nationalities, ethnicities, or religions for the promotion of peace.
To this end, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
If the freedom and safety of expression by journalists are protected, the media can play an important role in preventing conflicts and supporting a peaceful democratic process. It also calls on states to ensure public access to information and to protect basic freedoms in accordance with their laws and international agreements. The press forum in Ethiopia will contribute to playing an important role in supporting the peaceful democratic process through peace journalism and public journalism.
In this regard, journalists need to share the outcomes of peace initiatives achieved over the past year and to determine and assess the way forward for the realization of peace and cessation of war, transcending nationalities, religions, and ideologies. In this case, they have commended each other’s efforts to create peace despite many challenges.
Moreover, journalists have a responsibility to spread a culture of peace so that it may take root and flourish across the globe, and so that not a single more life is sacrificed in violence and conflict. The HWPL should also pave the way to a permanent peace through the implementation of the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) by solidifying the global community’s support.
Of course, this platform focuses on International Journalist Network for Peace-building to build a network of journalists around the world for the role of media played by them.
The Ethiopian Herald October 19, 2019