Enhancing market penetration through improved design and quality

The issue of leather and quality leather products is one of the government and stakeholders concerns. Availability of large livestock population does not always guarantee success to the leather industry. This livestock population has to be converted into leather product and should bring foreign currency to the economy. In order to do that, it must be supported by skilled man power and modern technology to penetrate to the global market.

Several reasons can be mentioned why the leather industry did not still hit its target as expected. Bottlenecks related to quality and design among others is challenging it. Using this as a ground The Ethiopian Herald had moments with concerned individuals. Samarawit Mersiehazen, is the founder and CEO of Samra Leather. She is a designer by profession. According to her, the previous trend is being changed in the country. Several attractive designs are coming into scene.

“Leather products need quality design. What is more, currently environmental issue is becoming serious and there are environmental friendly leathers. If we use them, there is no power that holds us back from gaining foreign currency.”

She said that Ethiopia did not still take its share from international leather market. It should tap its resources in this respect. “If we do not properly use the available opportunity, outsiders will control the market. In this respect, we have to be competitive qualitatively as well as quantitatively.”

Samrawit said, the local market should know what the international market needs. There is still gap in the leather industry that we should fill.

According to her, we should work hard on workmanship. Currently, skilled man power is being produced from universities in the leather industry. We have to deploy this skilled man power to gain more currency.

Zelalem Merwi is the other investor whom The Ethiopian Herald approached. According to him the nation has a great potential for the leather products. But, quality related issues and design are some of the challenges.

He said, if properly utilized the leather industry has a great potential to gain foreign currency and to create opportunities.

Seconding Samrawit`s view, Zelalem said that the leather industry needs more attention. It needs more skilled man power.

Birhanu Serjebo, is Ethiopia Leather Industry Development Institute Communication Affairs Director. According to him, Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in the continent and there is a conducive environment to investors who prefer to engage in the leather industry.

Several investors are working in the area and the Institute is supporting their activities by building their capacity. This capacity building work includes providing skilled man power, researching activities, introduction of new technological innovations and others. Birhanu said, investors have lots of opportunities when engaged in the leather industry.

“The nation is rich in livestock population. This is a great advantage to them. In addition, it has large human resource that can be easily trained and used for the sector. The nation has more than 110 million population. Out of this half of the population is young and easily trainable.

According to him, the policy of the government towards the sector is the other opportunity in the sub-sector. “There is commitment from the government side to support investors engaged in leather production. The geographical location of the nation together with the availability of several international and regional organizations in the capital makes leather production profitable.”

The expansion of TVETs and Universities that train students focusing on leather production is the other great opportunity in the sub-sector.

Birhanu said, about 42 TVETs are providing training to students to support the sector. “This s a great opportunity for the country as well as investors engaged in the area. What is more, about six universities are offering training on leather and leather products to the level of second degree.”

Concerning to challenges, Birhanu said, the quality of skin and hides is major problems. “The problem associated with quality starts at the lower level where rearing cattle are handled poorly. The other challenge comes in time of production process. To overcome this and related challenges the Institute is doing its level best.”

International market competition between America and China is also becoming the threat to the leather sub-sector, Birhanu said.

“Most producers are exporting their leather products to China or America. The trade conflict between the two countries has its own side effect on the sub-sector,” he opined.

The Ethiopian Herald October 16, 2019


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