Innovation key to remove darkness

Ethiopia has registered fast and sustainable economic growth over the past two decades. Behind this achievement, the power industry prints out a commendable share towards providing adequate electricity across the country.

Regarding power generation plants, currently, Ethiopian Electric Power administers 22 power plants which include hydro power, wind farms, solar energy, geothermal and others there by generating a total of about 4244 megawatt electricity nationwide.

Besides the power plants, high voltage transmission lines and substations are crucial to transfer the generated power from the power plant to the national power grid as well as to provide quality electricity nationwide.

Currently, the total stretched high voltage transmission lines have reached more than 17,000km across the country ranging from 132kv to 500kv. Regardless of its effort, Ethiopian electric power could not reach the vast area of the country.

About 57 percent of the population (73 percent in rural areas) lives without access to electricity. It is estimated that only 24 percent of primary schools and 30 percent of health clinics have access to electricity, documents indicate.

In this extremely divergent world of 21st century while some earn life in high-tech, others enjoy light only during day time so that they are coerced to use candle or burning kerosene to get light at night.

Observing this power deficit, some Purpose driven youths are intending to find solution that narrows the gap. Among these, Kirubel Aweke, a second year student at Axum University, technology department has contributed a significant share in this regard.

He is one of the youth who are working diligently to come up with something new and beneficial for the society. As a person of innovative mind, he has been trying to make real his dream of bringing out the people from darkness since his school age. Thus, he has innovated a simple turbine that generates electric power.

Initiation to the innovation

Regarding the initiation, he told The Ethiopian Herald that he first identified a severe problem many people who are living in darkness are encountering. These people are living in the rural areas where there is no access to hydroelectric power. And the other is even though there is supply of electric power, there is repeated power breakdown. Therefore, he has paid special attention to solve this problem and invented the turbine.

Inputs he used to make the generator are electric motor or dynamo, water pump, electric bulbs and a wood board. The way it generates power is similar to that of hydroelectric power turbine at dams in using water. But the big difference is the usage of water in which the dam’s water flows only one way hitting the turbines whereas in his turbine the water can be reused continuously through circulation pushed by water pump, said Kirubel.

Benefits of the turbine

The core issue of any innovation is an advantage citizens can gain from it. When asked who and how can benefit from the turbine, Kirubel said that it can be designed in a small scale for household usage or in a larger scale for company or enterprise usage depending on the users’ interest. It provides any service people need whether for the operation of electronic devices or for the electric light purpose and also enables the users to generate the amount they need.

What makes this innovation different from others according to the innovator is that others, whether imported or invented here, use solar energy or different method. This turbine on the contrary, generates hydroelectric power in the same way of dams’ turbines by using easily available input, water but repeatedly.

Besides, it is easy for usage as it can be designed based on the need of the owners and also installed with the help of professionals.

Under any circumstance, it is crystal clear that any machine that generates electric power needs proper handling in order to prevent or minimize harm while using it. It is true for Kirubel’s turbine too though the power it generates depends on the user’s need. When it is designed for household utility, the risk may be lower than that of for company or enterprise. In any case, he noted that cautious usage is essential.

Cost, production and support

Regarding cost of the machine Kirubel said that it is difficult for him to tell the price since he did not do market assessment but he spent up to 10,000 Birr to produce the first sample.

As it is repeatedly said, any innovation has to be manufactured and become easily available for the society to give practical benefit. Unfortunately, many innovations lack this opportunity either because of lack of awareness or because of negligence among the concerned bodies. Kirubel’s innovation is also not able to escape from this trap though he is working on upgrading it from time to time using feedbacks gained from different individuals and groups.

Realizing the dream of innovations basically relies on the commitment and endeavor of the innovators. However, support of concerned bodies like family, schools, government and private investors is absolutely essential. In this regard, Kirubel’s dream has come true with the support of his school starting from his primary school age in addition to his industrious effort. As a result, he is thankful for the encouragement he had been offered.

Awards and recognitions

Kirubel’s effort has been recognized and he has awarded a gold medal from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on the national contest held on innovations last June. Of course, this is not the first for him for he began receiving awards when he was a grade six student. During that time, he contested in primary and secondary schools as well as zones and weredas and received different awards.

Moreover, he offered financial support and certificates by participating on innovation competitions and exhibitions organized at regional state level. He invested the money he gained from different institutions as an encouragement on improving his innovations, he said.

Kirubel also invented other devices that ease processes in various institutions. Among these, “patient treatment organizer” is a device that can be used in hospitals and health centers. The device eases communication between inpatients and physicians via electric light signal. The way it can be utilized is the patient sends signal to his/her doctor identifying the range of the problem whether severe or minor. As soon as the physician receives the signal, s/he acts accordingly and this in turn minimizes the risk of clinical fatality occurred due to delay of appropriate care.

“I have planned to extend my research and innovating new products that solve problems of the society and even now I am exerting my effort regardless of shortage of time because of my university education,” said Kirubel.

The Ethiopian Herald October 15, 2019


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