Statesmen’s recognition to ongoing reform

The continued visits of statesmen from across the globe have been paying to Ethiopia as its speaks for itself that the reform actions are in par with expectation of the international community pertaining to the reigning of lasting peace and prosperity in Ethiopia and the Horn region. Development and foreign relations scholars made the remark in an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald.

A similar mention was made later last week by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed who met over 3,700 educators at his office to discuss issues ranging from quality education to other matters of national importance. “The World has a proper fathom to the reform actions we have been through over the last [nine] months.”

As the premier said it more clearly, the comprehensible changes that have risen on the skies of Ethiopia have received series of coverage in world mainstream media, CNN, BBC, CGTN, The Guardian being among the major ones that broadcast and wrote about the changes. The visits and coverage signal a message of favorable image the reform has created for the country which then ensued by official visits of senior global statesmen, often making Ethiopia their first stop at times when other African countries were in their itineraries, the scholars agree.

“We’ve so much to gain from the open recognition to the efforts of the new administration both politically and economically,” says Leulseged Girma, Expert with Ethiopian Foreign Relations Strategic Studies Institute. Lifted out of the abyss of human and democratic rights stifling, the country’s ever improving good image could unlock political and development hurdles. “Most visitors are from countries that have wealth of experience in many façades that Ethiopia could emulate time-tested lessons.” What is more, the economic reforms which included the opening up certain sectors for private holdings draw investors from left, right and center, according to him.

Thus, such high-level visits would pave the way for foreign investors to have full confidence in the business environment of the country, he adds. “To me, the reform and the resultant world-wide acceptance to it are sure to surge FDI in Ethiopia.” The continuation of bilateral and multilateral relations of the country with partners has unique aspect as well, Luelseged argues, adding that the world seems to have been partitioned again with the previous east-west fashion.

“Ethiopia’s colorblind policy that helps to forge friendship with major players based on mutual trust and historical ties are ticket to the relations sustainability.” Dr. Samuel Tefera is Associate Dean for Research and Technology Transfer with College of Social sciences of Addis Ababa University. To him, such high-level government officials never take an inch forward without weighing the reliability of the reform actions and the reformists.

Without a shadow of doubt, the visitors have pondered the measures taken properly and concluded that they ought to support the government in office, he adds. The release of thousands of citizens who were put behind bars, opening up of landscape to competing parties, reshufflings of cabinet that has seen 50 percent women members, the coming of capable women to the helm as Head of State and President of Supreme Court, among others, from within.

The Ethio-Eritrean peace agreement and the thriving bilateral relations with neighboring countries as well as regional and international partners being few among the widearray of the measures. It goes without saying that the positive development in Ethiopia guarantees regional peace and security, says Samuel. Hence, the active role the new administration has played in ensuring regional stability has put success in the bag, he adds.

“This further promises the region’s development. Key international partners that funnel huge development finance are now setting foot in the Ethiopian soil.” Commending on Ethiopia’s stance of hosting all major partners based on win-win approach, he is, however, against the opinion regarding the seemingly global division. “Countries’ prosperity depends on whether or not they could open up their economies. Most wealthy countries, either in the West or in the East, opened their doors wide for private investment.”

Thus, so long as investors respect the laws of the land, it does not matter whether the investment if from global north or global south, he adds. True to the arguments of the scholars, the measures taken so far have brought tangible international supports. To mention but few, stringent loans were relaxed, Washington announced additional 170 million USD in humanitarian aid shortly after the reform actions come to scene while Abu Dhabi’ pledged a three billion financial aid with one million of which in deposit to the national bank to counter forex crunch, not to mention soft loans and other aids of critical importance.

Most recently, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz paid state visit to Ethiopia. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was also here earlier in October last year, just to name few of the highlevel visitors. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier is also scheduled pay a three-day official visit to Ethiopia at the end of this month. To cut long story short, the supports and recognition show the dawn of a new day.

he Ethiopian  Herald  January 11/2019


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