The Chinese new lifestyles

 Rapid Economic growth brings political, cultural and historical development, social adjustment and civilization. Civilization also creates a new mode of life in all aspects of human survival. This reality characterizes the existing life styles of the People’s Republic of China. Regarding this, recently a training was given to African journalists in Beijing by Huang Youyi.

Pertaining to the running theme «China a Country of Great Diversity» Huang Youyi explained that China is considered as a prosperous and economically strong nation in the world. It is also recognized as a country of great diversity where 56 ethnic groups live in its territory harmoniously and peacefully. Ethnic minorities have autonomous areas and four administrative levels (provincial, city, county and township). As well, Ethnic minorities have been guaranteed representation at people’s congresses 13.6%.

Additionally, China is known as the 3rd largest nation in territory size, next to Russia and Canada. It consists 34 administrative divisions stretching over 9.6 million square km and 18,000 km coastal line. As per 2017 GDP, it as well ranks 2nd in economic size next to America. Likewise, China participates in the international trade and overseas markets which brings demand for domestic production.

So, China has a huge domestic market. For example, the number of tourists who visit China is exceeding the 6 million mark. This has won the country USD15 billion. In 2012, China became the world’s number one source of tourists. Based on this fact, in 2017, 292 million people had travelled overseas as tourists and they had spent USD 261 billion. According to Britain’s Daily Telegraph, in 7 days (Oct. 1-7), the same year (2017), 200,000 Chinese tourists had spent £ 500 million.

Nowadays, in China, ladies, gentlemen, girls and boys lead new lifestyles. They prefer fasting foods and put on modern and attractive fashionable clothes instead of national costumes.

They spend their free time singing and dancing playing games and different sports, watching theatre, museum, library, driving automobiles and motorcycles which are available in Beijing and all over the country, celebrating festival. For example, a celebration of modern dragon boat festival of May 16-18, about  2018, 89.1 million tourists had participated and 36.2 bln Yuan or USD 5.5 billion income was gained.

According to Huang Youyi, there are four major religions in China namely Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and Christianity. But most of the Chinese people give due attention to Confucianism, a religion in the form of a faith or a way to practice. Rather it is a philosophy that guides the way of thinking and action.

So the Chinese people lead new lifestyles and generate new ideas. The new ideals in China are reform, introspection and observation of the rest of the world. Also entailed in the rediscovering “myself or me first”, personal motivation and consumerism. Anyways, as to a Beijing survey (2014), 33% young people say that without a house, they cannot feel happy. So, 90.2% young people ask help from their parents to buy a house.

President Xi Jinping explained the Chinese dream as «our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security, better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and a better environment. They want their children to have sound growth, have good jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission».

As to Huang’s study, to realize the mission, three elements should be emphasized. These are prosperous and strong country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people. That is why China planned to eliminate extreme poverty by 2020, from 700 million down to 30 million more.

So, to lead a meaningful life, every Chinese is obliged to engage in the daunting task of fighting pollution, to preserve the environment. In China fighting pollution and preserving the environment is the main task of everybody. Because preservation helps to use properly limited resources, such as land and water, energy, iron ore, etc. In China people have adopted Common views and created cultural interaction with each other to strengthen China’s culture. On the other hand, China’s government works hard to strengthen China’s image in Africa and all over the world.

The Ethiopian Herald  SUNDAY EDITION October 13, 2019


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