Keep the fast track alive

Ethiopia and Eritrea have officially inaugurated another border outlet between them. The leaders of the two countries reopened the Oumajir-Humera road on January 7, 2019.

That is another big step in their efforts of normalizing and strengthening their bilateral relations that had been stalled for more than two decades. Ever since the olive branch offered by Ethiopian Premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed was warmly accepted by the Eritrean government, a lot of bilateral activities have been carried out; hence, the relations between the two countries are also continuously gaining momentum every time.

The pace can also be said admirably fast. It was on September 16, 2018 leaders of the two countries signed a peace accord at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, reiterating their commitment to sustaining the historic peace agreement that ended two decades of armed standoff between them. In the same month, the two leaders announced the opening of the borders that has allowed free movement of goods and people.

This was remarkably accompanied by emotional moments of families reuniting. Their common borders that were sealed off since 1998 were reopened; and the diplomatic ties that were terminated at the beginning of the war restored. For instance, Eritrea reopened its embassy on July 16 in Addis Ababa while Ethiopia reopened its embassy in Asmara, the Eritrean capital, on September 6, 2018. As one of the remarkable moments, the two leaders celebrated the traditional New Year together on September 11 at the border of the two nations.

On the same day, they withdrew soldiers from the two countries’ border areas. Then came restoration of telecom services and direct flights between the “Let us learn from the suffering of the children of Bethlehem.” they kept grieving their suppression by the Romans, the failure of their Nation and dignity. Then the Romans and Jews who have never had peace between themselves made coalition just to condemn or oppose Christ.

Meanwhile, the birth of Jesus Christ was a crucial point in human kind’s history as it has broken the walls of conflict, shredded the curtains of hatred, brought unity among the divided and brought respect for those who had been neglected. We should never forget those facts whenever we celebrate Christmas as the coming of Christ is the best gift for all human beings. However, a presence of something being a great gift may not benefit all of us because there is a deal of difference while accepting it.

The difference is also between the choices we make in understanding the gift, working together and using it wisely. The people of Jerusalem had not understood that something which would change the world’s history was taking place. They were shocked when others from a great distance came to see that history.

As well, Herod did not evaluate himself. He thought that he would save his authority by the weapons he had and slaughtered the children of Israel. Even those who did not care for the birth of Christ shared the suffering. Herod killed all the children of Bethlehem. And the Jews intellectuals remained passive to the opposition of Christ while the shepherds benefited from Him.

When we think about the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, we should think about the wellbeing of our country. The events that happened in Bethlehem and its surroundings are happening right now in Ethiopia. The Bethlehem people did not appreciate their blessings due to their rivalry, negligence and ideological difference among each other. Therefore, we have to be cautious not to lose the chance of developing and modernizing our poor nation.

We should not allow to lose our blessings due to jealousy and rivalry as the Bethlehem people had faced. Our Lord Jesus Christ has paid huge sacrifice for us to be cleansed from our sins. Thus, we have to solve our disagreements by preaching love, harmony and brotherhood. We cannot celebrate this wonderful festivity sermonizing hatred and vengeance. This festivity signifies the hymn being sung by humans and angels.

We cannot celebrate it through waging war on each other. After the three kings left many things to look for the born king of the Jews, they went back to their home with exceeding great joy. After meeting the king of peace, they made their way back home with new belief and faith. Although the wise men were saying “where is he that is born king of the Jews? when they went to look for him, they said he is “ king of the universe” after they came back having met him.

Beforehand, they came to the land of Judea saying “where is he?”, while after they found him, they said “we found him”. Ethiopians were among the wise men who kneel down for the king of peace. As we are the descendants of the wise men, we are duty-bound to launch, practice and exercise peace, tranquility, love, meekness, and togetherness. I am sure that we will celebrate our holidays in coming times saying ‘we found our peace’ rather than ‘where is our peace?’ If we look to modesty rather than arrogance, I strongly believe that we will move in the right direction of love, synergy, togetherness and trust by exiting the path that leads to hatred and division.

If we are able to be well-meaning in terms of seeing the reform that is initiated is the making of our effort, and understanding that the benefits is for all of us to share equally, I have no shred of doubt that we will all be working hand in hand to build an Ethiopia that benefits us all instead of bickering of whose reform it is. The Almighty God has given us great opportunity to make our country better and put ourselves on the right side of history book in the process.

Let us not lose this opportunity while being distracted like the people of Bethlehem, picking up our swords like Herod, bickering like Judea scholars for every thing small and big, dividing ourselves like the people of our time, and rebelling out of – like the Persians and the Sadducees. And untapped potential to attain our dreams.

Make sure that not to give open space for reckless like what the Bethlehem acts, trigger happy like Herod, nagging and murmuring with relevance and irrelevance issues like what chief priests, separate and isolate like what modern species, deviant, protest and hedonistic acts like what those in the past did. Let us use knowledge as shepherds and wise men do. Let us not pass down denunciation and accusation to the next generation, as others will surely learn from us as we did learn from others. Let us do what is expected of us and earn what we deserve to.

Let Ethiopia be proud, prosperous and honored by the struggle of its children. Let the Almighty God bless Ethiopia and its people. two countries. Eritrea allowed Ethiopia to use its Red Sea ports. The leaders of the two countries have also agreed to enhance bilateral trade through Eritrea’s port city of Assab to Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian Roads Authority has also announced its plan to renovate the roadway connecting the two countries that have been out of use for more than two decades; and so on.

In general, the relations between the two neighbors have continued improving rapidly. And the pace is so fast. Last Monday’s reopening of the Humera-Oum Hajer border post is thus the latest sign of the normalization process taking-place between the two sisterly countries. The new road allows the free movement of people and goods between the two countries.

The people-to-people relations that were wrongly misguided will also be changed and strengthened with much more enthusiasm. It will facilitate cross-border trade between the two peoples and support the longterm economic integration schemes that the two countries seek in the long run. The measures taken by the two countries have proved that old days of hostility between the two nations is over, and that is the beginning of a new era of cooperation and ultimately integration is coming into sight.

The two countries are now working together for their own benefits and for the benefits of the Horn of Africa. Ethio-Eritrean reconciliations emphasized by the international community as exemplary that might set in for future Horn of African integration and even beyond is now bearing fruits. In view of such a regional value, the initiatives being taken by the two countries should be hailed and supported by the international community.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 9/2019


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