Making Addis live up to its name

Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa aka Sheger has a number of relatively small, but very significant rivers running through it, with the Kebena River and its tributaries being most important as they run through the center of the city and the most densely settled areas. These rivers are highly polluted and subject to flooding, causing severe environmental and health problems.

The river’s potential to environmental, social and economic development has not been tapped. This was recognized by Prime Minister Abiy, who, in 2018, announced the launch of the “Beautifying Sheger” Project with a commitment to developing the rivers and riversides urgently.

Ethiopia has officially launched the 12 km section of the 56 km ‘Beautifying Sheger Project’. The first phase of the project launched on Tuesday will be built by the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) with a grant secured earlier this year from the Chinese Government.

Beautifying Sheger Project is a three-year initiative of the Prime Minister aimed at making the capital Addis Ababa a tourist destination. Ethiopia’s ambitious project aims to beautify the capital by treating waters of rivers crossing the city and developing riverside for the recreational purpose which covers 56 kilometers. The project is estimated to cost 29 billion Ethiopian Birr (about 1.1 billion USD) and is expected to be completed in three years.

The project launched on Tuesday runs from Entoto to Bambis Bridge and is 12 km long. It features open space for recreation, artificial lake, and wedding venue on 42 square kilometers of area in front of the Sheraton Addis hotel. And it is expected to be finalized by May 2020.

“No force can stop Ethiopia’s journey towards prosperity,” Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said adding that Ethiopia’s existence and prosperity rely on the hard work and commitment of its people. The project is intended to make Addis Ababa live up to its name, he added.

The project is part of the comprehensive works that the government is undertaking to foster tourism and beautify the capital said the premier adding 10 years from now Ethiopia will be country whom everyone will be enthusiastic about.

Acknowledging the Government of China for the continued support being provided in Ethiopia’s ambitions of greening and cleaning its capital, the premier indicated that the 12 km section of the entire 56 kms river cleanup and rehabilitation work is being supported by the Chinese in a grant secured earlier this year.

Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia, Tan Jian said that Prime Minister Abiy emphasizes green development for Ethiopia by taking many initiatives including planting a lot of trees.

Abiy has set up the goal of making Ethiopia Africa’s prosperity icon, Ambassador Jian said, adding that “we are behind you, Prime Minister, and will help build this Sheger project a landmark in Ethiopia as well as in Africa.”

The project will be completed in two phases of which the 32 hectares of Central Square and 12 km of riverside development will be completed in the second quarter of 2020.

Meanwhile, 16 hectares of Central Square and 10.8 km of riverside development are expected to be completed in 2021.

Ambassador Jian stressed, “Now we can say: we deliver and deliver fast.” According to him, the project is people-centered, environment-friendly, and has enormous political, economic and social benefits.

Upon completion, the Central Square will display the image of a country opening the outside world, showcase the core value of national unity of Ethiopia, and harmonious symbiosis, it was indicated.

The ambassador further pointed out that the project, which is being built by grant finance obtained from China, marks the 50 anniversary of the diplomatic relations of the two countries.

The development is said to award residents with greenery, jobs and a healthy life in addition to contributing to urban tourism.

Regarding the investment dividend, a plaque with the name of the contributors on it will be placed at a location along the 56 km project route once completed and a private photo-op [photo opportunity] with Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed which will be compiled into an album of individuals who changed the face of Addis Ababa.

The Ethiopian Herald October 3, 2019


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