Accessing hard currency to thrive the economy

Whenever there is peaceful political conditions within a given country it has a direct impact on the economic performance of the nation. Peaceful political situation and stability pushes both foreign and local investors to spend their money in that particular country.

The availability of fertile land together with easily trainable human resource are among various reasons that attract investors. In this regard, Ethiopia is one of the prime preferences of several investors. Several industrial parks that are constructed all over the nation are the best indications to this.

Zelealem Merawi is, Car Azhi Ethiopia and Zealem Tour and Travel Managing Director. Zelalem has spent decades in the tourism sector and now he has engaged in leather production. In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald the young investor said that tourism and leather production have greater opportunity for the nation to earn hard currency.

He said that the tourism and agricultural sectors are some of the untapped resources of the nation. The livestock sector is also another area that has a great contribution to the national economy. However, poor management behind every sector is the cause for not tapping our resources.

According to him, the available resources need proper management. This is particularly true for the tourism sector where he has spent more than a decade. Zelalem said, the tourism sector is not only dependent on the type of tourist attraction sites we have.

It is also directly or indirectly reliant on proper management, peace and security of the nation. The sector is untapped. But, it still needs professional approach. Whenever the nation invests on tourism, it is investing on its future. It is also building its image in the international arena.

Zelalem also said that the leather production is the other sector that needs proper management. If properly invested and skillful workers are engaged, it has a great potential to earn foreign currency. According to him, the sector needs to examine the demand of international market.

Form his experience Zelalem said that, despite the fact that the nation has largest livestock population in Africa, it is not getting what it deserves from it. The sector needs skillful approach and modern technology. Nations that invest their capital and skill on quality leather production have enabled to penetrate into the international market and dominated the international leather market.

This is due to they know the need and the taste of international market. Leather production needs quality design and international standards. Whenever we add values on leather production, we will add the amount of foreign currency we earn form international market. He said, the sector has a potential to absorb large working force and to earn foreign currency.

“Because of the presence of several international and regional organizations in the capital city, various diplomats visit Addis frequently. Whenever these diplomats came to Addis, they need to buy something which they do not have at home. They need to buy goods to their families and friends. They need quality products with captivating designs. But, we did not provide them that opportunity.”

“Every dollar we earn from foreign diplomats or others have key role for the national economy. We have to use all available opportunities to earn that. We have to train the youths and produce quality products. By doing that, we do not only earn a foreign currency, we will also create job opportunity and promote the nation, Zelalem stressed.

According to him, the tourism sector, other than other sectors needs little investment but the return is high.

In order to make the sector more successful and productive it needs professionals who truly understand how it functions. The peace and stability of the nation should also be the concern of the government. What is more, promoting the sector in the international arena needs no waiting. Whenever there is opportunity, the tourism sector has to be promoted in the international media.

“Ethiopia is a blessed land. It needs not an image building work. It is already created with a good image. What we need is promoting what we have.”

The other person whom The Ethiopian Herald approached is Hailmariam Denbu. He has engaged in the bee farming. Hialemariam said that, the nation has a great potential for honey production. However, the traditional production mechanism is one problem to the sector. According to him, the climate of the country is conducive for bee farming. The problem is poor management.

Hailemariam believes that there should be modern and scientific production method as the sector has a great potential to create job opportunity further than earning foreign currency.

Hailemariam said from his experience that there is always a tendency to produce honey in a traditional way. This is good by itself. But it needs more investment and involvement of skilled man power. If that happens, the nation can earn more hard currency out of it. In this regard, the government, higher education institutions universities, individuals and other stakeholders have to work together.

The Ethiopian Herald October 2, 2019


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