For sure, Ethiopia’s bargaining power is gathering momentum every time as the recent sweeping reforms have been implementing effectively. As history tell us, opposing western aggression and domination , Ethiopia used to follow closed door policy for many years.
However, in the reign of the last Solomonic dynasty and the Derg regime, the former used foreign policy mainly for popularity of the monarch and the latter ‘s foreign policy was based on military alliances with the then socialist countries besides wasting great huge amounts of time and resource in civil wars and the fight against the so called historic enemies of Ethiopia or imperialists.
But, at this juncture, Ethiopia is enjoying excellent diplomatic relations with almost the whole world in its entire history. This is mainly because of its viable foreign policy based on mutual benefit. The flow of foreign direct investment has been showing a tremendous increase from time to time. A huge number tourists are flowing to Ethiopia to visit the historic and UNESCO world heritage sites than never before.
There are also numerous tourists who chose Ethiopia as one of the best tourist destinations in world for various entertaining, trekking, wildlife as well as scenery viewing activities and the like. A number of international and regional conferences and meetings that are supposed to shape the future of world have been holding here in Ethiopia successfully without a single incidence of disturbance or terror attack.
Moreover, many more international conferences and meetings will be definitely conducted in the capital city of Africa, Addis Ababa in the near future. Plus, various developed and developing countries’ leaders have made series of state visits to Ethiopia and elevated up their ties in all economic, social and political spheres . Fore instance, recently Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and President Sahlework Zewdie have met Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi .
The minister testified that Ethiopia is in the best position than ever in maintaining diplomatic relations with his country. He also vowed his government’s commitment to assist the reform efforts started few months ago in expediting the industrialization and enhancing human resource development, among others.
By the same token , in his recent exclusive interview with The Ethiopia Herald ,the European Union Ambassador to Ethiopia Johan Borgstam said that leadership of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed is exemplary for the East African region and beyond as it has accompanied momentous change through political and economic reforms in the country Indeed, one of pillars of Ethiopia’s foreign policy is working towards mutual benefit and safeguarding national interests without interfering in the internal affairs of a given country under any circumstance.
The credit for the so far registered success stories in diplomatic arena will go to the far sighted leadership skills of the incumbent and the viable foreign policy based on mutual benefit. Apart from having good diplomatic relations with neighboring and western countries ,Ethiopia has enabled to forge exemplary economic ties with the emerging economic powers like China,India, Turkey, Brazil and the like via its sounding foreign policy.
In summing up, Ethiopia need to exploit exhaustively its excellent diplomatic relations with the entire world to realize its set goals in ensuring technology transformation and building industry- led economy in the shortest time possible. If the ongoing reforms are made to be effective and sustainable , they will definitely enhance the bargaining power of the country over any kind of regional and international issues and cooperation.