Capitalizing on solar energy, improving lives of many

 From the 2025 agenda of Ethiopia, universal electric access using national grid, mini grid, and off-grid is among the priority area that the country has given to ensure fair distribution of electric power.

The first solar power energy project named as Ethiopian Eco-friendly Energy Town Project was inaugurated last week here in Qoftu kebele found in the outskirts of Addis ababa. The project is fully financed by Korean Economic Development Cooperation (KEDC).

During the inauguration ceremony, Dr. Gitae Shim, Director of Industrial Technology ODA Team under the Ministry of Water Irrigation and Electricity said that since the two countries has long standing political, economic, and diplomatic relations, the project has playing indispensable role to reducing socioeconomic problems.

According to Gitae, in order to finalize the project, close to four million USD has spent for electrification, electric meter lid, and power distribution. Currently, the project is expected to be operational after the training being offered to experts to equip them with the necessary solar power generation skills.

On the other hand, the project has capable of generating 250 KW in two solar power stations. Accordingly, the first and second station will generate 200 KW, 50 KW electric power using 630, and 162 solar panels respectively.

Close to 800 people will be beneficial. As electricity is the key driving force to ensure economic development within the society, the project will play significant role in creating more jobs.

Recalling that the nation has ambitious plan to attain universal electricity access to all by 2025 utilizing national grid, mini grid, and off-grid technology solutions, he indicated that the project at Qoftu is a case in point to ensure equity and inclusion of power nationwide.

On the other hand, the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) has been implementing the national electrification program. Accordingly, the country has attained 33 percent grid electric access, and 11 percent off-grid access through solar technology in the actual period.

The remaining 56 percent of the population are expected to get access to electricity combining grid and off-grid technologies in the next six years. In short, presently, 44 percent of people have got access to electricity.

The project also finalized the installation of generators in order to provide electric power without interruption.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald Tilahun Legese, EEU Director of National electric provision said that the three pillars (grid connection system, off-grid usage, and capacity building) are critically imperative to distribute power fairly. Particularly, off-grid system has multifaceted advantages so as to mix energy that is extremely related with environment.

So far, because the source of electric power has been restricted on water; utility has only three million customers over the past 50 to 60 years. This depicted that the number of customers is very few compared to the total population.

On the other hand, the Utility has planned to benefit 21 million customers in the next five years. But, it needs the active participation of stakeholders especially in capacity building. Here, it is imperative to mention that the World Bank has loaned 375 million USD to access electric power for one million people within a year.

But, in order to achieve the goal set in 2025, six billion USD is needed. Of the total, 4.5 billion USD will be obtained from development partners and the remaining 1.5 billion USD will be covered from government budget. Thus, in order to realize the goals, more is expected from partners, he stressed.

Abidita Bikela, Head of Akaki Worda Administration on his part said since it has great economic advantage, electric accessibility has its own impact in creating job for unemployed citizens.

However, due to the absence of electric power, the society had been previously suffered a lot. By then, the people were forced to walk close to six o’clock so as to obtain barber shop, hair salon, mill, and the like. As a result, people had been presented complaints.

What makes this project unique is that, besides providing electric power, it enabled them to get potable water and grinding mill. Above all, the project has created ample job opportunities for the youths.

The Ethiopian Herald September 28, 2019


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