Harnessing digital technology to transform nation’s tourism industry: Scholars

Ethiopia is one of the few nations in the world that is bountifuly endowed with natural and man made tourist attractions. It is home to one of the ancient civilizations in the world.

The Axumite Civilization which flourished from the 1st-8th century BC was as mighty as that of India, Roman Empire and Greek. Besides, the nation has plenty of historic, cultural and religious heritages. From those, 11 of them have been already registered in UNESCO’s heritage list including the Gada system, Mesqel festivity, Lalibela rock-hewn churches, Axum and Harar Jegol wall.

However, the tourism sector is still in its infant stage due to many factors. Lack of digital technology is one of the bottlenecks strangulating the ‘smokeless industry’. How does the digital technology affect Ethiopian tourism industry? What should Ethiopia do to preserve, promote and develop the sector? What should be the role of stakeholders in introducing digital technology? Efforts have been exerted to launch digital technology in all tourismservice -provider institutions.

As such encourging results have been gained in increasing tourist flow and maximizing foreign currency earnings, Fasil Endale, Tourism Services Competency Accredition Senior Expert at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism tells the Ethiopian Herald. ‘‘Most brand hotels, tour operators and other stakeholders, which are found in different parts of the country, are keeping themselves abreast with technological leaps.

They have launched websites and social media outlets to render better access for their customers. This move should be tapped on the back so as to strengthen the hospitality sector,’’ he insists. Fasil adds that digital technology would offer tourists gain basic information about hotels and tourist destinations wherever they are.

‘‘In this highly globalized world, one needs sophesticated technologies which could connect one with the outside world. Especially, the tourism and hospitality industry has to be equipped with digital technology to attract tourists from various countries. Countries need to promote their heritages through online media outlets so as to be spottted or tracked down by tourists,’’ Fasil underlines.

Lions Tourism and Hotel Management College Dean, Zerihun Mekonen for his part says that hotel and tourism colleges have huge role in enhancing the sector in digital technology. ‘‘We have huge tourism potential. But we have not the necessary technology which could help us to exploit it. In addition to this, we have lack of digital technology that would promote, develop and preserve our tourism heritages. The tourism industry is still in its embryonic or traditional stage.

This should be changed,’’ he says. Adding: ‘‘Tourism and hotel institutions, like that of ours, should be equpped with modern facilities to demonstarte things to their students and to familiarize them with new technologies. The institutions should produce skilled and qualified human power who could contribute to the tourism his/her country.’’

He added that hotel management and tourist handling mechanisms must be butressed by digital technology. ‘‘Everything must be digitalized. The numeber of tourists and their stay, tourist destinations and accomodations should be documented propoerly to assess the achievements and limitations of the sector. We have been teaching our students regarding this,’’ he underlined. However, according to Zerihun, Ethiopia is not tapping technology properly as compared to other neigbouring nations.

There are many factors which hinder the technology from further advancement. Lack of fast internet connection and dearth of websites and blogs which could promote tourism and hospitality sector are among the challenges to be mentioned. Tour and Travel Agencies have better knowhow in using technology and this has created ample opportunity for tourists to access tourism destinations easily online.

Dagmawi Tarekegn is tour guide in one tour and travel agency, stationed in Addis Ababa. He insisted that websites and blogs contribute a lot in providing information to domestic and foreign tourists. ‘‘Before the internet revolution, tourists had been getting information from people who visited certain areas. But, now thanks to the technological advancement, our customers can access touris sites through surfing websites and blogs.

This has helped them to identify destinations resulting in the influx of tourists.’’ Tourist could access information using their cellphone applications too. They could get information about accomodation, foreign exchange, transport, weather and other issues. Digital technology has contributed a lot in saving tourists’ time, money and energy. According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ethiopia has garnered 3.3 billion USD in 2016/17 fiscal year from 886,897 tourists, who visisted different parts of the country.

The income being generated and the number of tourists have been snowballing as compared to performances during preceeding years. Moreover, the sector has created ample job opportunities for thousands of citizens. It is contributing a lot in alleviating hard-currency constraints. With the enhancement of digital technology, the sector would be developed better than this. It would create huge impact in trasforming the economy to higher level as well.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 6/2019


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