Jawar: Horn heading to regional economic integration model

ADDIS ABABA- The ongoing efforts in consolidating the growing trust between Ethiopia and Eritrea would definitely change the conflict -ridden Horn region into an oasis of peace and future model of economic integration in Africa, the political activist and Director of Oromia Media Network (OMN) Jawar Mohammad said.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Jawar said that Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has done commendable jobs in breaking the two decades old deadlock with Eritrea and bringing about solidarity among the Horn countries.
“Ethiopia has also made praiseworthy activities in strengthening Somalia’s federal government and supporting it in the fight against warlords and terrorist elements, including Al-Shabaab.”

As to him,the steps that Ethiopia has been taking towards ensuring sustainable peace in Somalia have been fruitful.
Regarding Ethio- Eritrea ties , he said the rapprochement of these two sisterly countries is vital for both countries’ sustainable economic growth and internal stability as the normalization of their relations bring in lots of opportunities for regional peace and economic integration as the economies of the Horn countries are interdependent to each other .

“Prioritizing regional diplomacy is very crucial because our security and economic development are primarily dependent on our region’s peace and stability, and ensuring the inclusiveness of the people of Ethiopia in the rapprochement gives the process a lasting effect.”
Jawar stressed that the governments need to establish principled relations to make sure that the rapprochement envisions strong ties.

He also believed that the solidarity and the brotherhood of the Horn countries’ leaders need to be strengthen by active people to people relations in a bid to ensure the existing reconciliation to pass down to the posterity.



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