Support for development

A high-level delegation from Sweden led by Per Olof Olsson Fridh, the Swedish State Minister for Development Cooperation visits Dollo Ado in Somali State.

Swedish State Minister for Development Cooperation, Per Olof Olsson Fridh said that “Ethio-Swedish partnership goes back to the 1950s and we are proud to be still working together,”

World Food Program’s (WFP) Representative and Country Director, Steve Were Omamo, on his part said that “It is the appropriate time and place to support such a project that benefits the needy and with the donation we received we strive for the success and sustainability of the projects to the benefits of the refugees.”

Sweden has donated 41 million Swedish Kroner to support the WFP refugee program that aims at resilience.

The program is meant to develop agriculture and insurance schemes for refugees and host communities in crop and livestock production, as well as for improved logistics systems

Based on the government’s grant of land for refugees to engage in agricultural activities, the program focuses on the long-term support for agriculture for refugees and host communities.

Through irrigation system along the Ganale River that runs through Dollo Ado, refugees sheltered in Heloweyn Camp have already been able to engage in small-scale farming for their food and fodder.

So far 50 hectares of land have been secured and work is ongoing to secure and additional 1000 hectares.

The Swedish grant is specifically directed to the following activities: Road Transport Capacity Building, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Early Warning Systems and Complaint Feedback Mechanism, Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE), Livelihood Promotion and Resilience Building in Somali and Gambella states.

Sweden’s support is also extended to development activities in Dolo Ado through the Safety Net Program (PSNP). WFP is working in partnership with MercyCorps and Farm Africa to deliver the livelihood activities.

The event was attended by Ambassador of Sweden to Ethiopia, Woreda Administrator of Dollo Ado, and Head of ARRA in Dollo.

The Ethiopian Herald Sept 25 /2019BY LEULSEGED WORKU

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