Encouraging innovations, simplifying lives of many

Fethi Adil, an 18 year old young who lives in Harari State, has come up with innovations that simplify livelihoods of many people especially the farmers. His innovations bear witness that he is a person of conviction in making his dreams to become real.

As science is the basic element for problem solving innovations, its beginning is the problem occurred within a given society and the end is the solution that eases the problem. To this end science and technology findings have been playing vital role in changing the image of the world and simplifying life of its dwellers.

Capacity of research and innovative works are becoming more and more sophisticated from time to time being an implication of the advancement of human mind that causes excitement among many who observe the changes.

It is part of the reasons that nations gear their attention towards the research sector and carrying it out having in mind its universal decisiveness in transforming the nation’s economy. Ethiopia as a developing country pays attention to the innovation sector. Consequently, tangible results are being registered though they fail to fit the expected magnitude.

The efforts young people are exerting in the research sector which is being observed here and there in Ethiopia bear witness for the advancement that the country will attain in the future. Of late, young researchers are contributing their share in different research works being pushed ahead by self-initiation.

Fethi Adil, a talented youngster, is one of these researchers who have gone above their ages by contributing a great deal in innovation. When he was an 11th grade student and 18 years old, Fethi provided more than eight innovations that relief the society’s burden only with self-interest without any professional and material support.

His initiation has begun during his childhood when he was playing with

 dumped materials and fixing them to make something new and repairing broken materials for reuse. He upgraded this habit to innovation level and provided helpful research outcomes. “My childhood dream was to make something influential in a different way,” he said. Results of his effort indicate that he will hopefully reach at advanced level in the future.

The innovations and initiations

Among his innovative works are: modern anti-wed chemical sprayer, irrigation water pumper, home heater, sewing machine, FM transmitter and others. He used his observation towards problems in the surrounding as a starter for his innovation.

The innovative works basically focus on modernizing agriculture which is backbone for the nation’s economy aiming at expanding its benefit through technological support.

What makes his innovation unique as he told to The Ethiopian Herald is that they are made from the surrounding materials and easy to manage. Though he is naturally gifted in in creating new things, the problems he observed people encounter in his surrounding, Harari state, especially the outdated farming work has highly initiated him to engage into innovating simple machines.

He is upgrading his innovations from time to time such as from mechanical to electrical. To come up with this, he is making continuous adjustments on his innovations. For instance, he has improved a manual sowing machine to be operational by remote control.

Recognition and awards

His innovations and research works have drawn him recognition and awards from different institutions. The awards and recognitions which had begun from school level energized him to keep up in his effort. Extending his participation in competitions at the national level, he had won two gold medals and a silver medal attending innovation competitions organized by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.

He also received medal awards repeatedly from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the former Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn and this greatly encouraged him to keep up his effort with great vigor. In addition, awards he received from states and zones have been a pat on the back for his achievements.

Current situation of the innovations

It is crystal clear that the core impact of innovations is being accessible to the society and become solution in need for their problems. However, due to financial constraint and lack of materials, the innovations fail to reach the public most of the time.

Fethi’s innovations also cannot be free of such quagmire. Financial and material dearth has restricted him from producing his works in large amount and providing to the society though they are tested and believed to have great importance.

Had convenient situations are prevailed and support is offered to manufacture at factory level, on one hand, it highly encourages the progress of the innovation. On the other hand, it creates vast market for anyone who intends to engage into the sector. Therefore, he calls on concerned bodies like government and private investors to give emphasis to this decisive national issue in the way the innovative works improved in a better way and become beneficial.

Challenges in due process

Fethi said that the innovative process was not easy because of unfamiliarity of the sector and environmental situation so that he has passed through much desperate moments. Inadequate attention to the sector at the national level and minimal support for the innovative work has negatively imposed on its fruitfulness.

While advising his fellow new innovators, he said that they should not give up because of any desperation they encounter. The only thing they have in mind is focusing on the outcome of their work. They need not look for others support instead they have to use their talent and the surrounding materials as input.

In line with this, government and concerned bodies should stretch their hands in solving the problems that hinder the efforts of the innovators, he stressed.

The Ethiopian Herald September 24, 2019


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