Construction of GERD continues with impetus

. Four-months’ public contribution exceeds 340 mln. Birr

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) said construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is underway with vigor by implementing research-based solutions to problems that had slowed its pace.

Coordination Office for the construction of the dam on its part has also urged the public to boost its contribution to the flagship project. Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), Abraham Belay (PhD) told The Ethiopian Herald that fundamental and immediate actions are being aggressively taken so as to move forward some of the delayed works formerly run by Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC).

Dr. Abraham stated that EEP has signed agreements with GE Hydro Company for the provision and installations of 5 hydraulic turbine units and with China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC) Company to provide and install 6 units. It also agreed with Sino Construction Company for the mechanical works of the project.

According to the CEO the level of the project, the challenges and drawbacks that happened so far were identified through research and publicized in December. Based on the findings, currently immediate actions are being taken to facilitate the construction with clear strategy. Internationally experienced companies have intervened on the project to fill the gaps in execution capacity and decision making, Abraham stated.

Water, Irrigation and Energy Minister Dr. Eng. Seleshi Bekele told the House of Peoples Representatives Thursday that the total construction of the project has reached 65 percent; total civil works of the dam reached 82 percent while the general electro mechanical works remains 25 percent. Dr. Seleshi further elaborated that the saddle dam construction reached 93, flood drainage civil works 99, switch yard civil works 33 per cents while installations of part of the first two turbines reached 23.7 percent.

On the other hand, Office of National Council for the Coordination of Public Participation on the Construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam’s Public Relation and Media Communication Director Hailu Abraham told The Ethiopian Herald that from July to the end of October the public contributed more than 340 million birr to GERD.

Hailu added that the total contribution of the people now exceeded 12.3 billion birr and the office planed to boost the public contribution to 13 billion to the end of this fiscal year. According to Hailu, during the past few months especially in August, the participation of the people had declined due to weak public mobilization and information delay.

But, currently the findings on the project were clearly identified and publicized, clear strategies have been set and necessary actions are being taken to speed up the construction. Hailu stated that the coordination office will strengthen the public mobilization effort to restore the public trust and participation.

Hailu said that media tour to the project will be prepared soon and other public mobilization events will be organized and carried out aggressively. Both Dr. Abraham and Dr. Eng. Seleshi have visited the project this week to evaluate the activities of the project and found out that the construction is going well, Abraham said. Government recently announced its plan to start first-phase energy production at GERD in 2020 and to complete the project by 2022, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, January 5/2019


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