Nation seeks modern space science technology to tackle drought

Though there are promising pushes in utilizing science and technology, Ethiopia is still lagging behind in harnessing its potential in the sector properly. Among the scientific achievements, exploiting space science for ensuring food security and combating catastrophes related with a vicious cycle of drought have so far been a pie on the sky mission in Ethiopia. As a result, our country has been vulnerable to frequent drought and extreme poverty.

What is the contribution of space science in combating drought? What should Ethiopia do to enhance space science? What are the challenges in advancing it?

Ethiopia is striving to advance its space science technology so as to monitor, forecast and prevent drought disasters, says Climate Change Researcher at the Ethiopian Space Science Technology Institute (ESSTI) Dr. Degife Tibebe.

He adds that as modern space science which forecasts disasters especially drought looming on the horizon was missing, the nation has been subject to the danger of famine for several decades.

Cognizant of this problem, ESSTI has been endeavoring to combat recurrent drought and improve agriculture produces and productivity using space science as basic tool, according to him.

‘‘Ethiopia is working to enhance its space science technology. It is envisioning launching its own satellite this year. This would play a pivotal role in gathering plenty of satellite information,’’ he notes.

The nation has planned to work in collaboration with United Nations in this regard. As a result, UN pledges to connect Ethiopian satellite with the 23 satellites which are operating in the world.

For his part, Samuel Mekasha, Physics Lecturer at Addis Ababa University says space science will have a massive role in forecasting and preparing invaluable information about frequent drought being induced by climate change.

El Niño and La Niño have been affecting Ethiopia since recent times, the lecturer states. He adds that more than 10 million Ethiopians have been stricken by El Niño induced drought in 2016 and this trend is continuing.

‘‘Drought was occurring within ten years interval. However, since recent years, it has been happening in three years interval. As our country hasn’t modern technology to predict and monitor the calamity ahead, the situation has been inflicting damage on human and animal lives,’’ he claims.

As to him, government and pertinent stakeholders could use the information being obtained by space science technology as an asset or decisive inputs to take preemptive measures and preparedness. ‘‘The information would be vital to design feasible policies and strategies,’’ he adds.

Hence, Samuel Mekasha, Physics lecturer at Addis Ababa University seconds Dr. Degife’s idea that space science technology is highly crucial for forecasting and preparedness as it could provide updated data on the severity of a drought. So the government would get ample time in cushioning its effect or preventing it through allocating basic needs.

‘‘Space science has irreplaceable contribution for the development of telecommunication, television and radio GPS satellites. These satellites would have significant importance in modernizing the health, curriculum, urban development and infrastructural advancement. If successful endeavor is maintained in these sectors, poverty reduction and drought resilient economy would be ensured,’’ the lecturer highlights.

In addition to this, he underlines that space science will have pivotal role in environmental protection as it could provide basic information about environmental degradation, deforestation, wildfire and other predicaments using modern satellite.

‘‘By looking at satellite images, decision makers could easily decipher the enormity of the drought. They could understand deforestation and other challenges the future has in store. Hence, taking the information as an input they could allocate the necessary humanitarian support. Not only that, governments could tell as to where lack of infrastructural development is apparent. Having understood this massive importance, the Ethiopian Space Science needs to beef up muscle to reach such level of sophistication,’’ he notes.

As far as paying attention for the subject matter is concerned, Samuel recommends parents to identify the interest of their children in space science and should encourage them to be successful space scientists. He urges the government to design practicable curriculum and it needs to allocate necessary budget and modern facilities for enhancing the sector as well. Challenges such as lack of finance, shortage of infrastructure and dearth of qualified human power are hampering space science development. Henceforth, Ethiopia will have modern space technology that could forecast and monitor data on the frequently occurring drought and it would acquire the technological agility to overcome such natural catastrophes.

The Ethiopian Herald  Sept 22/2019


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