University turns its parking ground into a gym

ADDIS ABABA -Science Faculty of Addis Ababa University (AAU) turned the parking ground in its new building into a fitness center where more than 100 employees are doing physical exercise from Monday to Friday.

Dr. Aschenaki Tadesse Sport Science Department Head and Associate Professor at the University told The Ethiopian Herald that employees of the University are coming from different campuses.

“At a time when non-communicable diseases have become serious causes of death in the country, it is necessary that all institutions establish their own fitness centers, for physical exercise is viable way to forestall the diseases,” said Aschenaki.

According to him, the ever-expanding and easy access of advanced technologies, have affected people’s ways of life that got cut off from the hobby of physical exercise. “That would cause health problems like non communicable diseases. So, we all need to take a break from the technology and turn ourselves to fitness,” he stressed.

He also noted that the government needs to give due attention for sports and it must intensify efforts in infrastructural development like building youth centers.

“If a person does engage in physical exercises, s/he may not be active mentally. Even though, the government is investing in millions on sports clubs, the beneficiaries have been very few. This trend must change,” he said.

A monthly mass sport is also conducted inside the Arat kilo campus in order to raise awareness for the college society including students.

Seble Nigusse, Computer Science Instructor at AAU was taking part in the mass sport which was held there last Thursday. She said that she has been exercising at the gym for the past six months. “It has been a life-changing experience for me. What we were doing here today is trying to motivate others to join us,” said Seble.

She also reflected that as commercial gyms are expensive it is a great advantage for people like her to have a free access to the facilities and opportunities in the campus. She said that she has been making a significant physical improvement ever since she started the exercise.

Zewuditu Tesfa Assistant Administrator at the Institute of Geophysics, Space Science and Astronomy of AAU, also said she is a big fan of sports and often do exercises unless for maternity reasons.

“People usually begin to exercises and quit in few days. But if it becomes a hobby it won’t be boring. It would rather, make your whole day bright and productive. I advise everyone to join the sports world, particularly women,” Said Zewuditu.

The significance of sports is not only the physical fitness. People who have been working in one institution and never had a conversation for ones would start to talk to and know each other better. So, it is also important for social interactions, according to Aschenaki.

The Ethiopian Herald  Sept 22/2019


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