GERD’s civil, structural works nearing completion

ADDIS ABABA — The overall construction works of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is well in progress where its civil and structural parts which include the construction of the main dam, saddle dam, the Spillways, and the power transmission stations has reached almost 84.5 per cent in average, the Project Manager disclosed.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, GERD Project Manager Eng. Kifle Horo said the civil works of the main dam has reached 80.2 per cent while the saddle dam reached 96 per cent.

The current progresses on the constructions of the two dams can be considered as significant accomplishments for the country on its path to development, he stated.

Amongst of the civil works, the construction of the Spillways (floodgates) alone have reached almost 96 per cent; whereas the progress of the electro mechanical which includes the installation of power generating stations, and switch charge works among others reached 69 and 57 per cent respectively, Eng. Kifle explained.

In addition, the average total project performance which includes the civil parts, electro mechanical works, turbine installation, and metal works has reached 68.5 per cent; he said adding that the total physical works of the project will be completed by 2022 if all the contractors could engage in a coordinated manner.

According to Eng. Kifle, the project was previously run by one or two contractors; but now, there are many contractors fully engaged in the construction. Though the works of any project is dynamic, the strict coordination among the contractors is mandatory to complete the project on schedule, he stressed.

The Ethiopian Herald September 21/2019


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